I am so excited because on June 8, Dreamworks Animation, along with Paramount Pictures, will be releasing the third Madagascar movie: MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED! If you have not seen a Madagascar movie, now is the time to start! They are so incredibly cute and I know my daughter is counting down the days to see this one! In this movie, Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria the Hippo, and Melman the Giraffe are still fighting to get home to their beloved Big Apple and of course, King Julien, Maurice and the Penguins are all along for the comedic adventures. Their journey takes them through Europe where they find the perfect cover: a traveling circus, which they reinvent-Madagascar style. For more information about the film check out, MadagascarMovie.com as well as their Facebook page: MadagascarMovie.
Along with the four tickets to see MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED, you will have the chance to win MADAGASCAR 3: The Novel and MADAGASCAR 3: Mad Libs™
Collect all five new Madagascar 3 books from Penguin Young Readers Group! Available wherever books are sold
Win it: One winner will receive a family-four pack to see MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED along with MADAGASCAR 3: The Novel and MADAGASCAR 3: Mad Libs™. Please leave a comment below to tell me who you want to win this for for the mandatory entry. Please make sure you have a valid email address as well. For an additional (+1) entry, follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook. Please leave each comment separately. US/Canada- Good Luck! Giveaway ends June 5 at 12:01 am.
*Thanks to Dreamworks and Paramount Pictures for supplying one of my readers this prize pack.
I want to win this for my Family!
Thank You!
Following Madagascar Movie on Facebook!
Thank You!
I would want to win this for my nieces and nephew who live nearby and then when they were done watching them then my other 8 nieces.
I follow you on face book
Stephanie Hungerford
I would love to win this so i can take my niece n nephews
I’d love to win this for my 2 boys!! Thanks!
I follow Madagascar Movie on Facebook!
I would take my family. Thanks for the chance.
LIKED Madagascar Movie on FB!
I would like to have this for my children.
I am following Madagascar on facebook.
I am following Madagascar on FB! =0)
I want to win this for my kiddos (ages 6 and 4). My son (the 4 year old) walks around singing the “Afro Circus” song that Marty sings in the commercial! It’s so cute!
I would definitely take my family to see this. We love the Madagascar movies.
I would love to win this for my family! My children love Madagascar!! Thank you
I would love to win this for my daughter and niece!
I follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook
I’d take my husband and our two kids. Thanks!
I liked Madagascar on facebook!
I would want to take my children and sisters!
I want to win for my son. He will turn 4 on june 2nd.
I would love to win this for my family!! Love Disney movies! Thanks for the chance! God Bless!
Like madagascar3 on facebook!
I want to win this for my family; myself, husband and our 2 oldest girls.
I liked it on facebook as well!
I want to win it for my 4 year old twins and 6 year old son. The love Madagascar and it would be wonderful to take them to a movie.
Also liked on Facebook!
I wanna win for my daughter and husband and I to see it together
That’s awesome, Melissa! Good luck to everyone! I want to see this movie really bad. Madagascar is the bomb! Both movies make me laugh so much every time I see them. I would want to win this for my son. Anyway. I hope all is well with you! Hope you have a great week!
I want to win this four my 4 year old daughter. She loves Madagascar.
I LOVE Madagascar!! Thanks for the chance to win.
I would take my family, as they LOVE Madagascar too. Thanks again for the chance.
I want to win this for my son, Jake! His birthday is coming up.
Liked madagascar3 on facebook!
For my kids!
My boys love these movies. Chris Rock is hysterical!
my daughter, niece, and nephhew would loves these! thanks for the chance to win.
Kristyn_Ann (at) hotmail.com
I would love to win this for my son and daughter, we all love Madagascar! adametzb@yahoo.com
I follow Madagascar on Facebook! adametzb@yahoo.com
I would want to win this for my boys.
I would love to win tickets for my son. He absolutely LOVES Madagascar. It was his first favorite movie when he was younger.
My daughter adores these movies. Thanks for the opportunity to win this for her!
sharylove [@] gmail.com
My daughter LOVES the Madagascar movies! I would like to win the tickets for her
This would totally be for my boys! Although I’m not sure which one would want it more, they would definitely have to share! They both love the movies and they are getting into activity books and reading too when they are based on movies they like.
My family would love this! I would like to win the tickets so that the kids can see the new movie.
I would love to win this for my whole family to enjoy together
Want to win for my mom
I would love to win this for my daughter.
I’d like to win this for my son.
I follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook Michelle B
i have an 8 yr old daughter and a 3 yr old grandson and they are so excited about seeing this movie!!
liked on FB!
My son would LOVE this!
I would like to win this for my son and daughter, who both love the previous movies.
Both my kids would love this movie!
I want to win this so I can take my son! We love the madagascar movies! (talesofmommyhood at yahoo dot ca)
liked the facebook page (ashley picco) talesofmommyhood at yahoo dot ca
My husband secretly loves the Madagascar movies! I’d win for him!
I would love to win this for my daughter! The last day of school is a 1/2 day and hubby is taking it off from work too and where are they gonna go? To see the movie! YAY!
email missheatherwho at yahoo dot com
Liked Madagascar’s FB Page:
Heather Whowho
missheatherwho at yahoo dot com
I would love to take my grand daughter to see this. She would love it
i want to win this for my son and daughter. i can’t wait for this movie to come out!
follow madagascar movie on facebook
for my family!!
I would love to win this for my daughter she loves the first and second one!
I follow Madagascar on FB.
I’d give these movies passes to my sister and 2 neices,then my other sister would go with them.They would love this movie. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
My name is tamra. I would take my parents and mu husband. We love these movies
I’d love to win this for my son.
For my two boys
I’d like to win this for my 6 year old daughter!
I’d love to see the new movie with my wife and son and probably take my nephew during a baby-sitting instance since my sister-in-law is nice enough to baby-sit for us some times too.
Both of my kids would love this!
Would be awesome to win, didn’t get to see the 1 or 2 in the theater.
My daughter Katie would enjoy this
I like Madagascar on fb
Kimberly Schotz
For my daughter she has been singing poka dot poka dot, afro circus for weeks
I want to win this for my boys. They laugh at the commercials for this movie EVERY TIME.
I like Madagascar on Facebook.
I’d love to win this for my 2 kids
I would love to win this for my boys they love the madagascar movies and i know they would love this one they have already asked to see it thanks
and i followed madagascar on facebook Amy Tolley
I plan to take my 3 boys to the movie
i follow madagasxar on facebook
suzanne rogers
suzanne.rogers@sbcglobal dot net
I would love to win this for my son and niece to go!! I likes the FB page….
my son!!!!
Madagascar fb folloer
My kids can’t wait for this one! Would be fun to have a family outing to a movie instead of waiting for it to come out on DVD
I would get Madagascar for my kids.
I liked on facebook.
I want to win these b/c I LOVE that part in the commercial where Chris Rock does the polka-dot-polka-dot-circus-afro song. It cracks me up everytime.
I’d like to take the kiddos!
I liked M3 on facebook
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie)
I want to win this for my almost 5 year old daughter.
Following on Facebook.
I would love to win this for my 5-year-old nephew.
I’m Madagascar FB fan Raegen T.
I would win this for me ! I love these movies!
I like MadagascarMovie on FB
I want to win this for my daughter!
I follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook as rebecca shockley
I would want to win this for my sons
follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook as Tonya Extine Hopkins
I want to win for my niece and nephew.
I like Madagascar Movie on FB.
Love to take my nieces! tracietrump@yahoo.com
Like Madagascar Movie on fb as Michelle Trump, tracietrump@yahoo.com
I would love to win this for my son.
My children would love it if I won this.
Liked Madagascar on fB.
I want to win this for my daughter!
I like Madagascar on facebook!
Mattandcolleen Fuller follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook. Thanks!
I would love to take my kids! Thank you! kelsonc23(at)yahoo(dot)com
I follow Madacasgar on FB
I would like to win this for my kids (13, 9 & 4)
My husband and my 3 boys would love to see this!
I’d love this for my 5 year old!
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
I am a facebook fan of Madagascar (Marysa N).
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
I would love to win this for my family (mostly my son).
sparklzmg at hotmail dot com
I follow them on FACEBOOK.
fb = Michelle Dippel
sparklzmg at hotmail dot com
I would love to win this for my daughter.
For my 3 nieces and me!!!
I want to win this for my six year old daughter. Thank you.
I like Madagascar Movie on facebook.
I want to win this for my family of course
For my son. He loves Madagascar! He has seen the previews and laughs his head off.
Liked MadagascarMovie on Facebook!
my kids would love it
I want to win this for my kids because they love the Madagascar penguins.
I’d love to win this for my kids!
i want to win for my daughter!!
annae07 at aol dot com
We have only seen the 1st one but he loves the movie. He would love to see this one too.
This would be a great family date movie. My kids would love it!
I’d love to win so I can take my niece and nephew!
I would want to win this to take My daughter & her cousin to watch this movie.
“Liked” them on facebook as Burning Moon.
My kids would LOVE this! Thank you so much for hosting! Best of luck to everyone
I liked on FB as David Gossett
WOW MY SON WOULD LOVE TREMDEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would love to win this for my 8yo daughter and 2 yo son!! they love madagascar
I like MadagascarMovie on Facebook(Kelly D Saver)
I would like this for my 4 and 6 yr olds.
I’d like to win it for my son and daughter so we could all go to the movie together.
For my family to see together! Thanks!
I would like to win this for my son and his family.
I Liked Madagascar on Facebook rkmarsh@aol.com
I want to win this to take my 2 Grandkids, they LOVE these movies!!!((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com))
I LIKE Madagascar (HollyCunningham) on FB ((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com)) Thanks for the chance….
For my daughter andson
i would love to win this to take my kids. It would be a nice ‘congrats on finishing kindergarten’ gift for my son!
I liked Madagascar 3 on facebook
Justine McD….
Would love to win this for my daughter. She loves watching the movies and playing the Wii game!
I want to win this for my six year old daughter Isabella.
riastreasures at yahoo dot com.
I follow Madagascar on Facebook (yvonne daniels perez)
riastreasures at yahoo dot com
I want to win this for my daughter!
liz.nelson.531 AT gmail DOT com
I would like this for my family to go see….the commercials are great, so I know the movie will be too.
avonproducts4me at yahoo dot com
I like sponsor on fb
I’d love to win for my nephew.
I would love to win this for my son! He would LOVE to go see this in the theater!
I’m a fan on Facebook (Christy Owens Johnson)!
for my daughter..thanx for the chance..
liked on facebook,email subscriber..
it would be for my grandchildren they would love it
I would love to win this for my family!
lfuchs1 at wi. rr. com
I’d give this to one of the hard-working, stressed moms at my job…she has 3 boys, ages 5 to 9!
Also followed Madagascar on FB
I would love to win this because we are obsessed with these movies:) our oldest downloaded the 1st trailer to his phone and we watched it over and over:)
I want to win the tickets for myself and my 3 kids!!
tracysweeps at aol dot com
I would love this for my little boy. He’s already asking me about it, and I myself love these movies.
I also found the Madagascar FB page and “liked”. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would like to win this for my Grandkids
I’d like to win this for my daughter and her family.
Would love to see this family and friends!
I want to win this for my 3 kids
Liked Madagascar on Facebook.
I would win this for my kids!
I want to win this for myself and my three girls. They would LOVE this(:
My daughter LOVES Madagascar! We can’t wait to see it!
I would love to win this for my 3 year daughter who loves Madagascar!
I want to win this for my Family! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
i want to win this for ME! (selfish….yeah, i know lol) and I’ll share it with my friends
I would like to win this for my kids especially my son he wants to go see this.
I’d love to win this for my family! Thank you so much!
allishagold at volcano dot net
I like MadagascarMovie on fb as Allisha Gold
allishagold at volcano dot net
like madagascar movie on facebook
I would love to win this for my 2 sons. We never get out much, and this would be a fun family night out! TY
I fanned Madagascar on FB as melissa k sparks ty
I like Madagascar on FB as Kelly Leto.
I would love to win so I can take my boys!
I like MadagascarMovie on Facebook.
for my son and me
Gale pgan427@yahoo.com
I would love to win this for my family!
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
I like Madagascar on FB
Belinda B
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com
I would like to win this for my family.
tarter95 athotmail dot com
I’d love to take my family! Madagascar cracks us up!
I am following Madagascar on fb!
I would love to win this for my family.
for my familys
I would take my 3 boys
FB fan as Jessica Vaughan Gengler
I would like to win for my son!
I want to win this for my son
And with 4 tickets he would get to take a friend along.
for my family thanks
for my family
I’d love to win these for my boys – they LOVE Madagascar (esp. the penguins- even Daddy loves them!)
I followed Madagascar Movie on facebook – Jackie M
I would love to win this for my girlfriend and a few friends.
I would like to win for my daughter and myself
kport207 at gmail dot com
I would love to win this and take my nieces and nephew!
i would love to win this for my family. it sounds like a cute film, and it’s one that i really want to see…and my family loves movie nights.
I would love to win this. A friend of ours has esophageal cancer and I’d love to take his daughter to see this! Help get her mind off things and all!
Like Madagascar on FB (Katy Smith)
I want to win this for my daughter and hubby and I!
Want to win this for my family
I’d like to win this for my son and I
I collect things for the kids at Ronald McDOnald House, so I’d love this for them.
I would love to win this for my kids so we could have our first ever movie out night.
Would love to win this for my grandkids!! Good luck to everyone.
I would love to win this for my grandson!
My son would love to see the movie
my son
For my two kids!
For my son, He has been begging to see since the commercials started coming on tv
i want this for my grandson
would love to win for my 3 and 5 yr old.
my niece would love these
msboatgal at aol.com
I want to win it for my sister and her boyfriend.
I would like to win this for my daughter
I would like to win this for my 2 sons-they would love to see this!!
I liked madagascarmovie on fb (Jennifer Messner M)
I want to win this for my son
I want to win this for my 3 kids, everytime they see the promo commercial on TV, they freak out and start dancing!
I follow Madagascar on FB, I’m Melissa Belle there.
sweetmelbelle31 at yahoo dot com
I want to win for my son! He has been talking about this movie for weeks now.
Liked Madagascar on FB- Rachel Ellis
My whole family would absolutely love to see this movie!
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
I would love this so I could take my grandsons to see it!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
I would like to take my daughter and her friends.
i would give them to my bestie who has 2 girls
I want to win this for my Family!
My daughter!
I likes MadagascarMovie on Facebook as Tiffany Byrd Church
I would take my two little grandsons.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I like Madagascar on FB (Ellie W)
eswright18 at gmail dot com
We all love the Madagascar movies and have seen them when they have been relaeased in DVD. It would be a great family outing to see it on the BIG SCREEN!
I would like to take my kids to this movie!
I would love to win this for my son and daughter. They want to see this movie!
I want to win this for our family.
Like them on FB
I want to win for my son!
I want to win this for my boys
I want to win this for my daughter.
I want to win so I can take my daughter and niece and nephew out to the movie
I liked Madagascar the movie on facebook… thanks
I want to win so we can take our son the movie
I like follow MadagascarMovie on FB – Robin Trexel
I would love to win to take my three kids to see the movie. Especially my youngest who is so in to zebras right now he loves the preview. eaglesforjack@gmail.com
I liked madasgascar movie on facebook
my kids they would love to see this in the movies .
I want to win so that I can take my two nephews
I want to win for my kids and I
I like Madagascar on Facebook
We’d love to win as a family- going to the movies is a big treat!
I liked Madagascar on FB! : )
i would take my family
i love the madagascar movies and have been looking forward to it coming out since i heard they were making a new one.
I want to take my family – they love to go to the movies!!
Liked Madagascar on facebook!!
I would love to take my family. My daughter would love this!
I want to win this for my family, there aren’t a lot of movies you can take two boys under 5 to, so this would be great.
I want to take my grandkids to see this movie.
My husband and my two kids would love to see this!
I want to win this for my 2 kids.
I follow MadagascarMovie on facebook.
Brigette Streeper
I would love to win this to take my kids. Would be a great way to start off the summer.
‘Like’ Madagascar on FB – Jill Lear
my little dude
my children
I would love to win these tickets for myself and my two boys, I am a single mom and we love to hang out together.
I want this for my little neighbor girl…
I would love to win these tickets for my son
I would love to win this for my son. He loves Madagascar and is super excited to see the next one coming out. Everytime he sees a commercial he hopes it means it is in the theaters right then.
I follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook
I’d love to win to take my twins & their big sister to see this. Thanks
I follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook
i would love to take my nephew austin to see this. he LOVES these movies and honestly so do i.
My daughter would love this!
I like Madagascar on Facebook – Tonya Dean
I would love to be able to take my nieces to see this movie!
I’d love to take my family. Since we’d have one ticket left over, I might ask if one of my daughter’s little friends would either like to come with us, or use it with her family.
I want to win this for my niece and her friends
ReggieM1961 at gmail dot com
I want to win this for my family.
Liked Mad 3 on FB
i’d like to win it for my kids
for my husband and me.
I would love to win this for my grandkids
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I would like to win this for my family.
If I won I would love to take my kids to see this movie. Thank you for giving us this chance to win.
I ‘like’ Madagascar on Facebook as Constance Vann!
I want this for my cousin!
I want to win this for my little boy. He loves Madagascar.
I have like Madagascar on FB.
I would take my family.
I would love to win this for my 5 year old daughter so we could take her and a friend. she’s very picky about what movies she likes to see at the theaters…and in the other Madagascars I actually got to see her LOL and dance!
I’d like to win this so I can take my fellow kids camp counselors! We always try to stay on top of everything new for the kids!
Ellesjunkmail at gmail dot com
for my 2 boys and hubby and I
I want to win this for my grandsons
I follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook
My grandson Ian, he can’t wait for this to come out.
I like MadagascarMovie on FB Sherry Conrad
This would be for my whole family.My 4 kids really want to see this movie.Thanks!
I like Madagascar on FB as Leslie Luke Stanziani.Thanks!
I want to win for my son, Timothy.
I would take my nephew to see the movie. We saw the trailer earlier this year and have been waiting for it to come out. Thank you!
I want to win this for my family!
My husband & I would love to take our two boys to see this
I want to win this for my daughter and for me. I’d love to watch something I don’t hate
I want to take my nephews to see this movie
I want this for my 9 year old son — he loves Marty!!! Afro circus! Polka dot polka dot polka dot afro!
follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook
I want to win for my kids
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I would go and bring my great nieces to see this movie.
I’m pretty broke and this would be a great family outing
I want to take my daughters. THanks!
I want to win this for my family!
I liked MadagascarMovie on facebook!
Looking forward to seeing this movie, and this will be a great family outing!
I would to win this for me and my roomates.
i want to win this for my children
marygardner49 at aol dot com
i like madagascar on fb as mary gardner
marygardner49 at aol dot com
I want to win this for my twin sister and her husband to take her toddler twins. I think they will love this movie!
It has been a long time since we have been able to go to the movies. I would love to have this to treat the fam for a day out!
I liked MadagascarMovie on FB!
I want to win this for my niece.
like them on fb as shirley greenawalt zolenski
I want to win this for me! (and my family)
i like madagascarmovie on facebook
My two kiddos would LOVE to go see this one!! My son just told me that Madagascar is their favorite and they want to see the new one. They are 5 and 3, it’s right up their alley!!
I’d like to win this for my boys
I want to win this for my family. The kiddos would love this!!!
Haven’t seen a movie in ageas.
I want to win this for my daughter.
I follow MadagascarMovie on Facebook.
I’d like to win this for my son and daughter
Like Madagascar on Facebook (Annette E)
I would love to win for my 5yo daughter. She has been asking me to go see the, ”Polka dot circus movie”.
I liked Madagascar Movie on Facebook!! (:
My daughter turns 8 on Thursday and this is the movie she wants to go see this weekend! I would love to bless her with it. She is an avid reader, too.
I liked Madagascar movie on Facebook.
Dylan and Lexie would love to see it!
Just liked on facebook.
My little boy wants to see this so bad! And me of course
info (at) giveawaybandit (dot) com
following MadagascarMovie on Facebook info (at) giveawaybandit (dot) com
I would love to win these tickets to take my 3 kids. One of whom is a Congenital Heart Defect survivor and has had open heart surgery. Trying to get all the adventures in that we can!!! Thank you for the chance!!
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