I am so proud and honored to be a Huggies Ambassador. Over the next few months, I will be bringing my readers new Huggies product recommendations, including the Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers and Huggies improved wipes. I was so honored to be selected but even more honored to be representing a diaper company that I truly think is the best. When Hayley was just a small baby, we had the option of purchasing so many diapers on the market. It truly was overwhelming. On the recommendation of some of my mom friends, we decided to go with the Huggies brand. Now a mom of 3.5 year-old Hayley and 13 month-old Zane, I still am a faithful Huggies user! I started out with this brand and will end our diaper days (no time soon) with Huggies. I will admit I have used other brands here and there to just test out, and none lived up to the Huggies brand. Huggies is a truly parent-trusted brand name that I love!
We recently tried out the new and improved Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers. Huggies went out of their way to make improvements to the Snug and Dry Diapers, to assure that both mom and baby were happy. The end result is excellent. The new and improved Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers stands up to the true test of staying dry.
Zane is a big wetter- he pees a million times a day and when I tried another brand, he was having tremendous accidents. He was peeing through his clothes and having some major blowouts. You have all been there – you know the huge blowouts that us moms love so much! When I switched him to the Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers, I hardly saw any blowouts. And guess what – he was actually able to wear the diaper more than two or three hours at a time. I was going through at least 8 diapers a day prior to our switch to the Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers. That is a whole lot of diapers and a whole lot of unneeded expenses. With the new and improved Huggies diapers, I only need to do a diaper change several times a day and we have not had one pee accident. That’s right- I actually haven’t had to switch his outfit from an unnecessary accident.
I am actually able to enjoy him being dry. Why you might ask? Well, I am a big baby wearer and he has been known to fall asleep in my Ergo when we take long walks. I ended up feeling him pee through his diapers in his sleep and I ended up getting soaked- NOT FUN! When I switched to the new Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers, I haven’t had any problems with wet anymore. I am in love with these diapers!
Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers now feature improved Leak Lock to pull wetness in and lock it away, protecting both parents and babies from leaks. Combine that with the SnugFit waistband and the grin tabs for a secure fit, and you have a truly excellent diaper with long-lasting protection through the days. When we put this diaper on Zane for the first time, I noticed how excellent it fit him. I love the elastic fit that made it easy to secure my little guy in. He seemed very happy with it and Mom/Dad are even more happy with the ease of putting the diaper on. Dad also doesn’t mind changing diapers now that Zane’s bowel movements stay inside the diaper and Dad doesn’t have to deal with a poop/pee-pee explosion!
Have you tried the new and improved Huggies Snug & Dry diapers? If not, what are you waiting for? You will be so happy you did! You can learn all about their fabulous products on their Huggies website and on their Huggies Facebook page/twitter page.
*I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central for Huggies. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating
Great company to be an ambassador for! Glad I am passed this stage of life, though.
How fun :O) I love Huggies the only brand my 3 babies used.
good for you! we cloth diaper during the day + use huggies during the night.
Congratulations and all the very best to you Melissa!
My kids have been out of diapers a long time, but Huggies was the main brand we used too. Inferior brands end up not being worth the savings.
how cool…I am a new Huggies user!! We have a `wiggler` so I use the pull on ones and I LOVE them…
How cool is that. What an awesome opportunity for you and your family. I don’t have children yet, but I am looking forward to hearing more of your huggies stories. It’s good to know you can now carry baby without getting wet yourself. Congratulations!
WOW – That looks awesome. I;d love to try new Huggies
Congratulations on being a Huggies Ambassador. As a mom of 6, who had 2 kids in diapers 3 times, the improvements sound like they make a great diaper even better. I’m all for staying dry while wearing the baby. lol
We cloth diaper so I don’t have any experience with Huggies. But I’m excited for this opportunity for you!
We love the Huggies overnight diapers!! Havent tried the snug and dry ones.
Congrats on being an ambassador!!
I love huggies!
Huggies were always my favorite diaper!
Congratulations on being selected as an ambassador! Hope you can continue to share diaper recommendations with your readers.
How exciting! I wanted to be an ambassador
That is great. Can’t wait to read future posts.
Congratulations, Melissa! That is awesome!
A lot of my friends use Huggies with their children.
Zane is the most adorable diaper model ever
I hope you have a great day!
We love Huggies too! They are really good against leaks, unlike other brands.
With Aiden we started out with Pampers and then found that he kept having blow outs so we switched over to Huggies. I loved that they didn’t sag or droop in the back and fit snuggly to him. We used these until we switched over to pull up. I will say that with Rebecca we used Pampers and didn’t have any issues with them because shes not a huge wetter. We actually have since switched over to Luvs for her since she goes so infequently and they are half the price. We save a tone, but the Huggies were great with Aiden. No leaking at all.
Congratulations! How cool! We used cloth diapers at home, but when we go out, Huggies has always been our go-to diaper.
You are SOOO lucky!!! What an awesome assignment!!! =)
WOW…that’s great! Congrats on becoming an ambassador for Huggies!!!
I love Huggies! It’s all we ever use since we switch from cloth diapering.
I’ve never tried Huggies now that I switched to cloth, but maybe I’ll try them next time we travel.
That sounds pretty neat!
Unfortunately we don’t use Huggie’s for diapers – we tried them as they’re cheaper than Pampers at Sam’s but he was constantly leaking them throughout the day, not to mention overnight was a disaster! Maybe it’s a boy thing – a mom of twins that I know said her daughter did just fine with them, but her son… he too was constantly leaking through them. I did contact Huggies about the problem we were having though and they were great with compesating us for the box (and gave us coupons but that was kinda pointless as we went back to Pampers for diapers).
I do LOVE their Little Swimmers sunscreen lotion, however I’ve a hard time finding it in stores (as well as online) this summer! Our bottle we bought last summer is about to expire and I’d like to get more… I contacted them about it, inquiring if they’re still making it and if so any suggestions on where to find it.
Gotta say, their customer service has been great even if their diapers didn’t work out for us!
Congrats on being an ambassador! I’m a Huggies Ambassador too! I love Huggies! It’s great to work for a brand that I truly think is the best. Yay!
That’s so exciting!
I use these on Lily and love them!
Congratulations!! We love Huggies, our favorite!
I heard bad things about huggies so I am hoping I have a good experience with my little one and leaks. I have stocked up on some huggies but he won’t be here until july so I won’t be able to test them out. But congratulations to you!