Sunday was a perfect day! My husband told me to go and have some “me” time and he would watch the kids. I took full advantage and decided to go shopping for myself! As most of you remember, previously I talked about the Catalog Application that I am fully addicted too! With this application, you can see all retailer catalogs in one handy application. No need to get paper catalogs anymore- simply install the free Catalog application from thefind on your IPAD, Android , and Kindle Fire and you are all set to go! So, for the past couple of weeks, I have been searching through all the Catalogues via the Catalog App to see where I wanted to shop. I was also mentally putting together my summer looks by looking how the models in the catalog were accessorizing. I also was able to save so many of these visuals and products that I wanted to buy on the actual Catalog App. When Sunday came, I opened up my Catalog App on my iPad to see what I saved on my iPad for when shopping day came.
I only had one problem. I saw so many awesome catalogs on the Catalog App and in turn, saved so many clothes items to my iPad, I didn’t know which store to go to first. Since we received a Nordstorm gift card, I decided I would check out the new May 2012 Nordstorm catalog on the Catalog App, as well as, the visuals that I saved from past months. I was so excited to do my shopping! I decided to buy a pair of new sunglasses. I love Chanel sunglasses and since I saw so many of them in the Nordstorm’s catalog, I decided to go that route. Once I got in the store, I really couldn’t decide what style I wanted. I whipped out the Catalog App and opened up my favorites. With this aid, along with the salesperson, I made my Chanel sunglasses purchase of the season. Do you like them?
Like I said before, I really rely on the Catalog App quite frequently now. They have over 95 catalogs for basically every store you can think of. Some samples of catalogs that they have include Kmart. J. Crew, Nordstorm, Saks, Sears, Sephora, Best Buy, 1-800 -Flowers, Barneys New York. Lego, and much more! You really should download the app- you will be amazed! There is absolutely no reason to receive paper catalogs anymore, which you will inevitably end up throwing out. The Catalog App is free and easy to install. Be sure to check out the Catalog App on the iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire.
Disclosure: This post is part of a Blogger Ambassador program which I have received monetary compensation for participating in. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
Loving those Chanel sunglasses on you! They must’ve cost a fortune!
Whirlwind of Surprises
I love it when I have me time, the Catalog Application sounds a little dangerous though, all those catalogs in one place? Sounds like shopping heaven:-)
That sounds really cool. Lego has it’s own catalogue? Really?
Love the shades
Sounds like the perfect app for a shopaholic like me
My sons read Lego catalogs like books (and I would do the same for Nordstroms catalogs….if they had words, lol!)
wow, super cool glasses. I am looking at new Apps for my ipad
That is pretty cool. I will check it out
Hmm… never heard of this before but it sounds great. Need to look into that asap. Thanks for the great review. – Katy
I’ve never heard of that app, but it sounds AWESOME! I think I need to update my phone so I can get all these cool apps!! Thanks for the review and info about it!
And I love those sunnies… they’re so classic and versatile!
I love the idea of NO Catalogs in my mailbox. You explain very well how this app works well for you in a real live shopping situation.
The sunglasses look great on you! I love the idea behind this app! I’m going to have to check it out!
Cute glasses! Lookin’ good momma! Woo!
Love them! They look awesome!
now i really NEED a kindle fire!
I like “BOULEVARD 70”, thanks.