As most of you know, I just got back from Hawaii. I will tell you that I saw the most gorgeous people out there who exude both beauty and confidence. I have to admit that yes, I still feel good wearing a two piece bathing suit- I work out and eat right, to try to maintain my figure, but I know that in a couple of years, my body might not be holding up as well as my youthful 30’s figure! I might want to look like those gorgeous women who I saw roaming the beach in their 60s, looking fine, tanned, and in shape. Although some of them have a naturally beautiful figure, others have had some type of plastic surgery done. Right now, I am in no rush and will tell you that no, I do not see plastic surgery in my future; however, you never know what the future will hold.
Will I change my mind in the future? Only time will tell… When I was younger, I was absolutely against the thought of altering myself by any type of means other than a healthy diet and exercise regime. However, as time goes on, and I see more and more “regular” people getting work done, I am beginning to get swayed. It is not only the celebrities I see in magazines who have resorted to getting cosmetic procedure done- it is people like you and me. I am still not sure it is for me, but I am not against people doing whatever they believe will make them look/feel wonderful. We all want to look our best in our lives! I think if you want to go for cosmetic procedures surgical, or non surgical, you should go for it! It is every persons right to decide and I will never go against ones choice!
I will tell you there is a wonderful American Board of Plastic Surgery, Board Certified Doctor who has been nationally recognized and extensively trained in providing the latest and best products and procedures to his clients- Dr. Buford. You can check out his site, Beauty by Buford, to see all the amazing procedures he has done and what people are saying about him. His results are truly amazing! His office is based in Englewood, CO. He is a successful surgeon who also partakes in skin care methods as well. Just read his testimonials and you will see his wonderful accolades!
Win it: Dr. Buford from Beauty by Buford, has generously offered to give one of my readers a $50 Visa Gift Card to use as he/she likes. This giveaway is fun via rafflecopter so click continue reading to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me what you would like to use the money on in the comment section proceeding this post. While the other entries are optional, I hightly suggest you fill them out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*Thanks to Dr. Buford for supplying the gift card to one of my readers. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
Buy a bathing suit
I’d buy more diapers for my son!
I would probably use it to buy a gift for my husband for Fathers day.
I’d spend it on doing something fun with my kids.
I would get a gift for my hubby for father’s day.
I commented on
& Stumbled it: royalegacy
I would put it towards a new camera.
I would spend it on clothes for my hubby.
I would spend it on groceries.
I would use it towards my trip to my grandson’s graduation and my mom’s birthday. They live 1500 miles away and getting the funds to go is difficult.
I would spend it on clothes for the baby he is a 15 lb 4 month old grows to fast
I’d like to use it for a nice dinner out for me and my husband.
I would use it for my daughter’s birthday!!
Go out to dinner
Buy my kids clothing
Buy myself or my fiance something
I’d take it on my vacation at the end of the month for souvenirs.
I would start on Christmas shopping for my kids!
Right now I could really use the money for my sister’s wedding. After her wedding who knows, there’s always something coming up… Like my wedding next year!
I would buy groceries and diapers. Nothing fun….but needed.
Summer clothes for the kids
Treat myself to a much needed pedicure!!
I would save it
I’m saving up for a stand mixer
I’m going to be totally vain and say I’d use it towards Botox. There – I said it. I’m going to back to Wichita next month and only get it from the office I used to work it.
I want to pay a bill or even just buy my children some food that they like and not just what is cheap.
i would buy some clothes
would fill the gas tank for a staycation road trip
I’d buy new Fit Flops for summer.
spend it on my son
I want to win so I can put the money toward the iPad I’m saving up for!
I’d put it toward summer clothes for the kids.
use it for gas
I’d buy scrap booking supplies.
I’d use it to get summer outfits.
I would buy some summer sandals for the family.
For me, bookstore!
As for me, plastic surgery just isn’t something for me… can’t see me getting cut or poked or whatnot. Aging is part of life… Can’t even get myself to seriously think of dying my hair to cover these grays (although, on another subject, I thought grays were supposed to come much later, not starting in my late 20s! LOL)
I’d put it towards getting my hair done.
I would like to save it but I would probably spend it on my kids
Buy pet supplies
Buy something nice for my mom
Buy some nice steaks and lobsters.
Gift for my son!
Buy supplies for my cat SweetPea!!
I would buy clothes for my children
I’d like to get some new clothes and sandals.
Birthday present for hubby!
jessicaahays at hotmail dot com
jonnyand jessica hays
I would use it towards a plane ticket for my step son that I have never met!
I would put it towards Groceries!
Use it toward my daughter’s b-day
put it towards my daughters bday
I would buy some outdoor toys for my grandson!
Either a game for my sons or something for myself. I am due for new clothes.
Use it towards our vacation.
I want to put it towards a vacation. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would use it for date night
I would love to have a reason to travel to a city that has a Nordstrom’s just to go shopping there with the GC
$50 could get me a whole lotta craft stuff…or maybe repurposing materials…or maybe a dinner out with the family…or maybe all of the above. =)
I’d give this money to my niece for graduation.
put it toward groceries
I’d buy my kids some summer clothes.
Buy some Toms for summer
If I won, I would use it towards a counter top oven
I’d buy gas. Thanks for the chance.
I would use it to buy some new capri’s.
probably buy some shoes
I’d like to use the money toward an iPod Touch
summer clothes
By a present for my daughters bday
Sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I’d use it towards groceries.
I’d get a pedicure.
I’d use it to help pay for my daughter’s birthday
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (
I’d use it to buy gas
it would go towards birthdays coming up
i would buy some gas
I am saving up money to have a screened in porch over my deck.
Put gas in my car!
gas for our road trip
I want to save it towards a new computer.
I would got on a shopping spree to Target to stock up on essentials
buy new clothes
buy gas
I would buy some new clothes.
I’d like new wedge sandals for summer.
I would apply it to a laptop for my college-bound son!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I would use it to help pay for a new car stereo.
I would use it to go on a date with my husband
Thank you for the giveaway!
I’d put it toward our vacation.
summer clothing
kport207 at gmail dot com
Gas and/or groceries.
If I won, I would buy a Kindle Fire
I have a LOT of grandkids now…. 12……..There is ALWAYS a birthday up! LOL I’d buy presents.
new sandals
I would put it towards getting the air fixed in my car
8i’m saving up for a laptop.
Help my parents.
use it for groceries!
I would use it toward groceries.
Buy some clothes or presents
New shoes for my kids.
I will buy groceries for my daughter.
I’d get some fruit and veggies!
I would use the card on my vacation
gasoline always gasoline 60$ a week just for work
pay bills sadly
Buy some gas for our vacation this summer.
I’d use it for gas or groceries. Thanks!
Buy post-baby clothes!
I’m a mom of 4 on a tight budget – I’d use this for gas, groceries or diapers!
I want to spend it!
I would love to put the $50 towards my son’s college needs! I’m struggling to pay the deposits needed, schedule the trip to get him there, and I’m worried about stocking him up with all the supplies he’ll need.
I would buy a ticket for a concert to enjoy this summer.
I would take my son out for ice cream and video games
I would use the money to buy my daughter the bike she wants for her birthday! I could not afford it otherwise.
i would save this for when the baby comes and i am off of work without any pay
tcogbill at live dot com
I would put the money toward a nice dress for going out to dinner, considering I don’t own one dress!
I’d use this toward a new vacuum cleaner. thanks for hosting!
I would use the money to buy some gifts for my family to bring back to Vietnam this summer.
I’d buy some books – now that summer’s starting!
I’d go out shopping
I’d splurge on a great shrimp dinner (craving shrimp big time here!)
Buying gas
I would buy groceries.
buy some summer clothes for myself
By my family some new summer clothes!
A nice dinner out with my hubby
I’d put it towards a laptop
that’s really nice of him. i’d love to take my husband out to dinner
buy new baby stuff
Put it towards a camera!
I would use it to help buy decor for my new house!
I would put it towards my daughter’s birthday party. Thanks for the chance.
I would put it towards groceries.
Tell me what you want to do with the money
spend it on hungry
I would buy gas for my car.
I’d nee it for gas or groceries
I would use it for gas.
i would buy some vegetable plants!
I would get my kids new swimsuits for summer!
Either gas or groceries whatever we need the most.
Buy baby stuff.
I would get a much needed haircut
Birthday present for hubby
jessicaahays at hotmail dot com
I would use it to buy groceries
go grocery shopping
I would buy some bedding plants for my flower boxes.
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline
I would use it to buy groceries
Buy my son some clothes
I need a new pair of jeans, one with holes and one with a zipper that doesn’t stay up!
Use it for my sons end of the year field trip. He has a couple friends who don’t have the money to go (10.00 per child) so I would make sure that everyone in his class went.
I would buy groceries
I would get something for my mom for her Birthday next month.
I would buy some new kitchen equipment.
I’d put it toward my father’s day gift
I’d probably save it and use for my son’s upcming birthday! Thanks!
It would either go towards groceries or to a birthday gift for my husband’s 50th next month.
I’d put it towards an amazing Father’s Day gift for my incredible husband!
May have to put it towards bills this month. We are kinda running low on funds with both of us not working.
I’d like to use it to bring my daughter to Sesame Place!
A night out.
Couple books and night out with hubby
My husband is restoring a classic car but funds are low right now. I would give this to him so he could work on it some more. Thanks!!
I’d actually use it to donate to a friend who is trying to find a surrogate.
Use it for our trip to disney!
I would use it towards the purchase of a carseat since we will be fostering our little nephew soon (and his sister who is due on June2nd)!
I would use it towards bills or groceries
An assortment of things.
There are a few last minute things I need to get before my daughter is born
I would use the card to help out with gas for my trip down to visit my family!
We would buy yarn or fabric! Thanks for the giveaway
I would buy groceries for my family.
i would put it towards a new kitchen aid mixer
I’d use it on my next date night out for dinner!
As unexciting as this sounds, I’d buy gas!!
I’d use it on our vacation coming up
I would buy diapers for my 2 babies!
It would come handy to get gas.
Will come handy for groceries.would be a real blessing!
I’ll save it for maternity leave…due in July
Get a pedicure!
Buy myself a new skirt for work.
Buy stuff for my 2 girls. Thank you for the giveaway.
save it !
I would buy food!
I would probably buy some books for myself.
buy some books
I would buy some new summer clothes.
nail polish for me and my daughter
buy some roses
I want to get some sandals for summer.
Use it for Birthdays I have coming up!
I would add it to my trip fund for later this year
I have some family birthdays coming up so I would use the money to buy some birthday gifts.
I like gift card giveaways.
I would treat myself to some cosmetics if I won
Buy a Father’s day present
I’d get new shoes
I would spend on my daughter for her up-coming B-day! Thanks for the giveaway!
My third child has a birthday coming up so I’d use it to help purchase birthday gifts.
my birthday is coming up so i would treat myself and actually go out
Kindle books. Non-fiction.
use it on things I need like shampoo, make up ect…
I would buy summer tops.
I would buy clothes for my son, or give it to my mom so she can buy more stuff for her kitchen she is remodeling. (:
I’d like to take the family out for pizza.
I am saving for an air purifier.
tes 1283 yahoo
I’d use it toward a new TV.
I would pay a bill with it.
buy groceries!
Save it for a gift
I would buy a textbook with it for next semester.
Go see a movie!
shopping spreeeee
I would use it for fuel!
What a nice giveaway!!! Thank you. I would use the funds toward my dslr that I have been saving up for. I want to capture memories of my kids growing up!
Your giveawayas rock!! I would use the money to take my mom to dinner.
I would take my family to dinner and a movie.
I would give to my mom for a belated Mother’s Day present.
Would pay down the credit card.
I would use it towards my daughter’s birthday gift
I’d love to repaint my room
i would use it to buy gas, it is so high now
I would most definitely go on an Etsy shopping spree and buy little presents for my family.
save it for a rainy day.
I would buy beer with it
I would put it with the money I’m saving to move. It would help!
I would let my husband buy new tennis shoes with it since I recently got 2 new pair, and he can’t wear his VFF shoes to spin class.
I’ve been saving for a new camera lens! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
My daughter and I need outfits for her bridging ceremony so I would put it towards that. thank you!!
I would use it to put towards the Disney Cruise vacation we are taking next year
Get my hair trimmed
i want to save it for bday’s and/or xmas
I would buy new sandals.
summer clothes
Blogg Button
I would donate it to my sister’s adoption fundraiser auction
I would probably buy some new shoes!
i’d use it for household supplies
I would use the money to go out shopping with my two little girls-get them something, maybe get me something? something I don’t do often .
Get some new sandals.Thanks for the chance.
Some summer clothes for my little girl.
I commented on the National SIP Trunking.
Send my mom her fave. See’s Candy….There aren’t any stores where she lives!!!
give to my daughter for her graduation present!!!!!!
I would use the money towards bills:)
take myself shopping!
I borrowed $50 from my son awhile back to pay bills. I would pay him back with the gift card! Thanks!
Id use it for a gift for my dad for fathers day!
Buy an anniversary gift for my new husband!
I’d a lot of fresh fruits & veggies – thank you!
I would use for groceries. Thanks.
Your blog button:
I would use the money to kickstart my small business
I’d buy a swimsuit
save it for school clothes
save it for school clothes
my kids id spend it on them
Buy new sandals for summer
i would go swimming with my kids and then go out for lunch! a luxury!
buy books
I’d put it toward what I’m saving for new flooring in our house (getting rid of nasty carpet!)
I really need some clothes. I am still wearing clothes from high school and I graduated years ago!
I’d be using it to help pay on a bill!
i’d like to buy a T.E.N.S. unit to help control the diabetic neuropathy pain in my feet.
I would use to purchase my kids summer clothing
groceries or baby stuff!
Use it for a meal at a nice restaurant on vacation in San Antonio next month with my husband
I would go out to dinner!
I would buy stuff for the new house we will soon move into
I would probably buy my husband a fathers day gift
A nice meal out with the wife.
A nice meal out.
Spend it on a Hare Krishna Zombie figure. Obscure to most, but well known to fans of George Romero’s film Dawn of the Dead.
Hope to win!
I would put it towards a new camera for my business!
I would use it for my niece’s graduation gift. 8th grade!
I would purchase me some new clothing since I have lost over 20 pounds my clothing is getting to big for me
I would spent it on gardening supplies for our garden!
I will use it for myself. I think a facial and/or pedicure is in order. My son has been home sick today and I am climbing the walls! Not really, but I feel like I deserve a treat and it would be better to do something positive than gorge at Dairy Queen!
buy some new sandals and shorts for summer
Buy gifts for my first grandchild who will be arriving in October.
I would use the money to buy my husband the grill tools he wants.
I would use the money to buy my daughter’s birthday present!
I want to win so that I can use the money on getting my daughter a new tennis racket for the summer.
I would probably use it on groceries.
I would use it to buy groceries.
I would buy a bathing suit and go tan for summer
Buy my meds.
I would buy items that I need for my family
I would use it for groceries
buy shoes
Use it for my birthday trip to NYC
I would use it to buy groceries
I would put it toward a dress for my sister’s wedding.
I would take my sister out to lunch for her birthday.
I want to buy my mom a brothday gift
toys for my son
I’d like to put it towards a new computer that I desperately need.
would love to use it to get my daughter some new shorts, hers are wayyyyy too small!!
I would use it to pay bills.
buy diapers
I would use it for groceries.
i’d use it for new shoes
I’m almost out of concealer and face powder
I would buy some new clothes for my son. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Makeup shopping
Gift cards are always a perfect gift. Make my day!
I would use the money to buy my little girl some clothes. She is growing out of everything so fast!
I would probably buy groceries
I would take my boyfriend out to dinner, and then buy us coffee afterwards.
my son is graduating soon this would help with buying a nice outfit for that day.
I don’t think it’d cover a trip to Hawaii, so I’d use it for a nice dinner at Red Lobster!
I’d put it towards my baby’s 1st birthday party
I buy some cat toys.
I would buy my kids summer clothes.
I want to fill up the tank. UGH
put it towards medical bills– our 3 year old had retinoblastoma
Buy a light fixture
I proably put it in the vacation fund. We are going to spend the summer with my husband’s parents in Key West, Florida.
I would put it towards groceries.
More than likely probably clothes
I would use for groceries. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep and hope to win
Thanks !!!
I really need new shoes (mine have been worn to the breaking point)
I want to gift it to my mom!
My wife deserves a nice meal for all her good work.
I want to buy a book and read it over dinner by myself. I may even get a shake.
Take my husband out to dinner.
Get a new maxi dress!
Buy supplies for my travel trailer.
Have a spa day:)
I’d take my mom out to lunch or dinner since we missed going for Mother’s Day since she was under the weather.
Probably groceries and/or bills, fun right haha
I would buy me a few more books.
i would buy groceries for the family
sarah at
Diapers! : )
I would use it on a weekend getaway!
Something for Father’s Day maybe? Or maybe beauty stuff for me
Mama needs a night out
A gift for my husband.
put it towards diapers or a high chair
I am saving towards a steam mop.
I’m saving up for a new refrigerator!
With the money, I would apply it towards the rest of my savings to get my wisdom tooth extracted, which I need to do desperately!
I would buy clothes for my kids.
Thanks for the chance!
I would use it to buy textbooks for school
I would use it for Father’s Day.
Pay bills, much needed LOL
buy something for kids
I would use it towards a new grill for my father… his grill broke last summer and its one of our favorite things to do together! Thanks for the chance!
Take the love of my life on a date.
I would use it on some groceries for the family
I plan to put the money toward a new set of bed sheets.
Commented on Nonni’s Fantastic Biscotti Bites: Try Them Today!
Id use it to buy a new bathing suit
Save it toward technology.
Buy vegetable plants for my garden!
Buy a summer dress!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
I would use the money to purchase some new SOHO brushes and Loreal makeup.
Thank you!
I would buy craft supplies!
I would use it for bills.
Hmmm… I think I’d give it to my parents for some special family treat or to help with groceries.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I’d buy toys for my grandchildren.
I would buy some new things for my kids.
I would use it to purchase myself a late Mother’s Day present of face cream & possibly a small vile of perfume!
I’d buy some summer sandals.
I would use it for groceries
I will buy gas
I would use it on upcoming summer family birthdays.
I would like to use this toward groceries
id like to get my hair cut!
I’m gonna get an eye exam, so I can get my prescription, so I can order new glasses which I need
Stock up on fresh fruit and veggies. Thanks.
a birthday present for my sister
I’d be buying groceries with it if I won.
I would buy groceries!
I want to buy some summer clothes.
I want to use the gift card for a family birthday dinner out.
take my kids to a movie
Gas or groceries–my biggest expenses.
My husband and I are going on a cruise in September for our three year anniversary–we’d probably use the card to buy drinks on the cruise since they aren’t included
I would treat myself for a change.I just stopped smoking after 15 years and deserve a little treat.
Use it towards my son’s graduation gift
probably use it for groceries
fill up my gas tank
I’d buy some gas!
I’d purchase a pair of sandals. I just made it through summer last year with my old sandals but they just hung in. I discarded them at the end of the summer. I really need a new pair.
I’d get nutritional supplements since I have rare medical issues.
I’d get my nails done and a pedi!
Posted your button:
I would buy summer clothes for my son.
Vacay spending money $$ !!
i would use it for my moms birthday gift
Pay the bills.
My son’s birthday is coming up next month, I would use this to make it a bit more special.
Thank you.
i would buy groceries
I would give it to my mom
i might use it to buy a birthday gift for my daughter
I would give it to my Mom
get a haricut!
I would get a great pair of new summer sandals.
Something for my Daughter’s Birthday!
Thank You!
I have a 1 week old baby so money is for baby!
get some books
I would use it for groceries.
I’d buy toys for my kids
I would use the money to buys some new shorts for my son for summer
I want to buy a new set of pots and pans
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Use it towards Pullup diapers and groceries.
buy something just for me
I’d spend it on something from sephora
I’d give it to my wife to have a shopping spree… she’s needs to spoil herself…
gas or grocerys, family of 6 here.
Gas for my truck..
I’d put it toward one of the bills
I would buy some specialty foods.
I would use it to buy household supplies.
I would use it to buy a new dress! Thanks for the giveaway
I would buy groceries!
I would buy groceries
I’d use the money towards one of my student loans. Every little bit helps.
Redecorate my bathroom
pick up a bluray player
I would use it toward gas
I would use it to buy clothes.
on groceries
I would like to save it towards a Kindle fire
I’m saving for either a Kindle or an IPad.
I’d get a massage.
Thanks for the contest.
I would purchase a brand new bra from Leading Lady. I really want one of their bras! Thank you SO MUCH for this awesome giveaway!
I would order something frivolous.
I have your blog button here:
I buy some new make up and dye my hair.
i would add it to my vacation fund
buy some nice food
It would go in my ‘school supply’ fund for the kids next fall!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I’d love to use this towards exercise equipment.
I would it towards a new Adirondack Chair.
id love to take my bf on a date night. we havnt had a date night in over a year
towards a new microwave♥
for groceries since we always need that
I would use it for groceries.
We could use it for our upcoming move
i always need money for everything
I would use it to buy some new clothes.
new summer shoes for the kids
I would put it towards our kitchen remodel
I’d use it to buy gas or groceries
i would pay my bills!
I would buy some new plants for my garden. Thanks for th giveaway.
I would take my husband out for dinner
spend it on my famiy
I would buy a tablet
I’d probably buy a new tire
Fill up the minivan with gas
use it towards our vacation
I need some new towels and a bath rug. thanks!
Toward a new lens for my DSLR, to take pictures of my handsome son!
for clothes
I would buy my daughter some new summer sandals!
I’d probably shop at Walmart or Best Buy.
I would use the money to buy treats and toys for my critters.
Pay off my debt!
I need clothes, sick of looking like a slob!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
Buy father’s day gift for my husband, thank you.
wrote review on Alexa as tiankinasih
grabbed button:
I’d use it to buy my husband a nice father’s day gift (or put it towards an iPad)
Pay my fee to a convention I am attending.
Hold on to it for back to school shopping. All four kids are going to school this year!
put towards a kindle
My oldest son has a birthday coming up, so I would use this to buy his birthday gifts.
Put ito towards buying interview clothes
I would buy my son some cloth diapers!
I would get my hair cut.
I’d give it to my mom for home repairs
buy summer clothes
would buy a gps unit for the car
brich22 at earthlink dot net
would love to buy much needed summer clothes
My grandson is outgrowing clothes as fast as we can get them, so I would get him some summer clothes.
summer clothes for the kids
alexa user ardy22
brich22 at earthlink dot net
I would buy plants for my veggie/flower garden.
I’d book my husband a massage for when he gets back from deployment.
buy myself something!
I’d get diapers for my little girl!
I would use it for groceries
I would use it to pay for gas for my car!
I’d like to buy some flowers and mulch.
grocery shopping
grocery shopping
I think I would fill up the gas tank. That would be nice!
I would buy my son a present for his 5th birthday
I would spend it on new baby items!
Buy more yarn to make crochet stuffed animals
I would spend it on an outing with my kids! Summer vacation is quickly approaching.
Button on my blog
I’d probably use it on groceries.
Put it towards buying a Wii U later in the year
Thanks for the giveaway…would put it towards a new laptop for my daughter.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would get my Dad a Father’s Day gift.
I would get my husband a fathers day gift
i would buy a suitcase i am moving to england next month
My Grandbabies birthday’s are June & July….presents
I’d use it towards groceries.
I want to pay some bills
I would get something for my daughter for her birthday.
I would probably use it to buy diapers for the newest baby in the family.
I would buy gas!
I would buy food
I would use it on groceries
I want to get the glee season 3 dvd.
yes it is for go shoping