I am attending a wedding later this summer who I honestly thought would never get married. Okay, I thought she would get married one day but she was always the pickiest when it came to selecting her perfect guy. Something was always wrong when people tried to set her up- She didn’t like his looks.. She didn’t like his personality.. So, I was beyond excited when she went to London and came back to the States with her fiance.
She went to work in London for 3 years with intentions to return to the States. I knew that she would one day come back but I had no idea it would be with her future husband. When I first talked to her, she told me all about dating in London. It sounded crazy. She would go bar hopping at the local pubs only to be disappointed over and over again. I told her she should try the online dating world and she sounded like I suggested she visited Mars. She was so against dating online, that she vowed that she would never even try it. Well guess what.. She changed her mind!
After about a year of dating and not meeting any men she liked to date, she turned to the datingagency. She secretly did not tell me, nor anyone about her choice to date online, but she was at her wits end meeting the wrong guys in the wrong places. She told me later how it was so easy for her to enter her demographics and her interests on the site, and then let the computer take care of setting her up with various men. She met exactly two men online- one ended up becoming a great friend who is going to be attending her wedding and the other is her soon to be husband. She told me when they originally got matched, they talked for a month before actually meeting. She loved talking to him and was intrigued by how truly interesting, as well as, similar they were. When they then decided to meet, both of them knew right away they had found the one!
I know… Sounds too good to be true! I honestly couldn’t it believe it myself till I met him a few months back. He is the kindest and most wonderful man to her. They are like two peas in a pod and I am so excited that they each found their match. It is true- online dating can work! I hear it all the time how so many different people meet their spouses online. So, if you are looking for the right man/woman- maybe it is time to give it a try!
*This is a partnered post. All my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
I had a friend that found her husband through dating on line. I think it works a lot of the times because people take their time about getting to know someone and then meet them. It has worked well for them and they are still married.
I know 3 or 4 married couples that initially met online! Nowadays, a hardworking, busy adult is hard pressed to find the time or the right place to find the right partner!!
I never used a dating site, but I did meet my long time boyfriend online on a site for authors! We’ve been together going on 5 years now!
I never used online dating. It just started around the time I met my hubby. I would though however use it now if I was not married. I think it’s a great way to meet compatible people.
Hubs and I met online, I too, did not tell anyone I was looking online until after we were serious
I also met my husband online! Another single friend and I joined and had fun with it, we weren’t looking too seriously. I was about to be done with my membership and the hubs found me! I told friends, but waited to tell my mom how we met until we were serious.I think the stat is 1 in 5 marriages met online!
I have never been fond of dating sites, but I actually met my husband on MySpace! He lived 20 minutes from me at the time, and his profile popped up in the list when I was looking at nearby members. Six years later, we are still happily together!
Cute story! My mom was American and met my dad while visiting England. This was pre-Internet, so they wrote letters to each other after her vacation was over. Soon she moved to London, married my dad, and had me!
Never needed it. When I was 22 my friend and her brother set me and my future husband up on a blind date. Neither of us had ever dated before and just over a year later we were married. It’s been 12 years today and we have 2 beautiful girls. It’s amazing how it worked out for us. I can’t imagine the struggles some have in finding the right person.
Sounds like a great alternative to the guys I just meet in bars, hehe. Never thought about online dating before. Seems like people are having luck with it.
it is crazy how many people i hear meet from online dating sites! steve and i met on match.com almost seven years ago…and still, to this day, i am in awe and so glad that i went on that date.
how awesome that your friend found true love on that site!!
wishing her all the best <3
i hope that your week starts off great, melissa!
thinking of you!!
I know a few couples that have met online and are happily married now!
no, I haven’t and I don’t think I know anyone who has either. I think it’s wonderful that your friend was able to find her soul mate online though! Congrats to her!
I have a friend who is marrying someone this summer that she met online.
No, but I do know someone who has used it.
I don’t think I know anyone who has met their soul mate online, but that is SO awesome about your friend!
I met my husband online. I was not into the bar scene (and neither was he). It was a great way to meet people and pre-screen them before actually meeting.