Well it’s already that time of year, tax season! I know this because for the past couple of weeks, every now and then, my husband has said to me, “We really need to start getting our taxes together.” I don’t know if your husband ever does this to you, but sometimes when my husband says “we” I know that he is really saying “YOU”, and when I reply, “Yes, we do!” that is not what I mean either. What I am really thinking is, “oh no!” “I’m going to put this off because I don’t feel like dealing with gathering all that paperwork right now!” This year especially, with my husband’s business, my dentistry, two children to declare and now my blog, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at how to put it all together. When I was talking this over with a friend (o.k. you’re right, I was complaining!) She suggested I might want to hire a Tax Attorney to help me figure it all out. I like the idea of having an expert give me some advise this year to avoid having to spend a whole lot more money later dealing with our unfiled taxes as a result of my procrastination! My husband wouldn’t be too happy with that result either! Although the IRS website provides all of the forms needed to file your taxes, I am not sure I am ready to tackle this on my own, with our scenario even websites like TurboTax, or H&R Block leave me feeling like something could slip through the cracks that we don’t know about. This year an Accountant, or Tax Attorney who knows what they are doing is in order. This still means gathering all of the paperwork, but that comes with the territory, at least if we hire a professional to help us do our taxes, when my husband says “we” it will include our accountant or tax attorney along with me.
*This is a partnered post.
Reading this just made it a little more real to me that I need to get moving on this. It’s terrible but I’ve barely lifted a finger toward doing my taxes. I’m self-employed, and file separately so it’s all on me. :O
Sounds just like my husband!!!!
Doing taxes stinks big time but well worth it if you get a nice fat return back. LOL.
Kevin is the same way! We always means me
I hope you get a big refund and no audits 
Me too!
Good luck! I always do the bills, but somehow I got lucky & my hubby does the taxes. We got a nice refund, hope you do too!
I dread the day that I have to do taxes. I know my dad really hates tax season and no wonder!
Thankfully, hubby does all our taxes as he has worked part time with an accountant. I hate taxes! So stressful.
I do our own, because I’m a CPA, but I would definitely agree with having someone do yours. Turbo Tax or similar products are great, but it sounds like you have a lot going on with yours. It is always great to have someone take a look at them, and you can always attempt in future years.
I’m the oddball that gets happy at tax time.
It can get overwhelming and we have hired people to do ours in the past. I like the easy years though when I can just do them myself in two hours on Turbo Tax! =) Good luck!
Luckily my husband can do ours because that’s his field! PHEWWWW… but if I didn’t have him, I’d definitely seek out some help! Taxes make my head explode…
I have used TurboTax to prepare my taxes the last couple years. I used to be able to do them myself until they got complicated.