I previously wrote about my scare that I had with Hayley and RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus. Serious RSV infection is the leading cause of infant hospitalization, responsible for more than 125,000 hospitalizations and up to 500 infant deaths each year. RSV season usually begins in November and lasts through March. We were very lucky that she developed a very mild case and we didn’t have to experience any dire consequences of the disease. I was very worried after she had this mild bout of RSV at 6 weeks old. I was scared out of my mind of her having another bout of RSV. In the back of my head, I was thinking, “What happens if she gets RSV again? What happens if this time, it is much more serious?” At around 6 weeks, I began to really make sure that I was taking the necessary precautions with Hayley ,so she would not get sick again. Yes, I was that neurotic mom who made anyone who even touched her feet, wash their hands. I had purell in every facet of my house. When Zane came along, I became even more nervous. I knew that I had a germs all around him, because Hayley was attending school now, and along with that, brings sickness.
(picture taken with permission)Newborns are so fragile and they don’t have the immune systems, that we as adults have. Newborns that are born prematurely are especially susceptible to diseases including RSV, being one of the biggest culprits. It is our job as parents to take the necessary precautions to assure that our infants avoid serious illnesses. If you are not familiar with RSV, it is a common, easily spread virus that most children before 2 will contract. RSV with sometime resonate as the common cold, but more severe symptoms can lead to a serious lung infection. One should call their doctor immediately if they see their children wheezing that is uninterrupted, fast breathing/or gasping for breath, spread out nostrils and/or caved in chest when trying to breathe, a bluish color around the fingernails, and a high fever (anything above 100.3).
What I learned from going through the experience with Hayley, was to make sure to limit the visitors when they are infants. I was so excited and wanted people to come to our house when Zane was born, but I knew that limiting the visits at home would decrease the germs coming into the house. Once I allowed people to visit, I made sure they had washed thoroughly before they even step foot near my baby. Again perhaps I sound neurotic, but in my mind, this was the best way to assure germs stay away form my small little baby. Germs spread so easily and with a 7 lb. baby, they don’t have the resistance to fight these bugs. I also tried my hardest to keep Hayley away when she was sick, although this was hard at times.
Since there is no treatment for RSV, prevention is key. I have attached a letter with a few tips in there for the new moms out there. Feel free to use the letter when a relative is trying to barge their way into your house when they are sick:
*****[Baby] was born [prematurely or with X condition], which puts [him/her] at an increased risk of developing a serious infection from many common, seemingly harmless, germs and viruses. For example, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an extremely common virus that all babies contract by their second birthday. Most infants have the immune system and lung strength to fight off the virus, but in high-risk babies, it can cause a very serious infection. In fact, serious RSV infection is the leading cause of infant hospitalization.
Because [Baby] is so vulnerable to RSV and other illnesses, it’s important to us to avoid exposing [him/her] to these germs. Viruses like RSV are highly contagious and can live for hours on objects like countertops, doorknobs and toys. Frankly, the idea that visitors may unknowingly bring in these dangerous germs is very scary to a new parent!
So I’m asking that you please be patient with me and my precautions to keep [Baby] safe. Please contact me before dropping by for a visit, and know that while I hate turning you away or asking you not to come over, it’s always for a good reason and never personal.
And when we’re eventually ready for visitors, please remember that prevention is key to keeping [Baby] safe.
*****Please refrain from visiting when you are sick or if you’ve been around someone ill.****
- Please make sure your clothes are clean and you haven’t smoked or been around smokers recently. Smoke can be very dangerous for underdeveloped lungs.
- Let’s wait until [Baby] is strong enough to be introduced to your little one(s), You know I love seeing [him/her], but toddlers and school-aged children are very likely carriers of germs and viruses.
- Wash your hands immediately when you come into the house, or sanitize during your visit – this is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs. Wash, wash, wash!
I hope this helps to explain a bit better why I’ve been keeping [Baby] in and, often, visitors out. I appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing [Baby] grow stronger and healthier everyday with your help!
RSV is a very serious condition. Lets help spread the word about RSV to the new moms out there. Please check out RSVProtection.com for more additional information.
*I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of MedImmune and received promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
Great post. Such an important thing to know about!
I’m not having any more babies but this is definitely important info to pass along to others… Thanks for sharing!
Great information and so important for parents to know! Thank you for sharing this!
WOW – very informative – Thank U
My sister’s son battled with RSV – it’s a tough thing but great article!
My youngest had RSV and it was the scariest thing ever! thanks for the great article!
Great article!
My oldesr had RSV when he was just 6 weeks old – what a scary time it was for us! Great information, thanks for sharing!
I’ve dealt with this with 2 of my 3 babies such a scary illness. remember everyone that it doesn’t just affect babies. :O( my 4 year old had it just a couple month ago.
So scary! Great info! Thanks!
What a wonderful and informative post. My youngest is 8, but we have a few pregnant family members I will be sure to pass this on to.
Dominic had RSV as a baby. He ended up with asthma from it. Lots of Dr visits, neb treatments and little sleep. Very scary stuff when they have a hard time breathing. Great post!
My great niece is going to be born today, perfect timing for me to read a great and informative post about RSV. I will pass along what I learned from you! THANKS!
Thank you. I learned a lot and I didn’t know any of that!
I am glad you didn’t have any major complications. It’s so important as a parent to protect our children even when it means putting ourselves between them and another. Good for you for standing up and supporting your child’s well-being.
My youngest grandson was born a early early preemie with all kinds of issues and we were like hawks with this once he came home. It’s serious stuff!! Glad you’re informing people!!
Such a frightening thought, thanks for the info and sharing now xx
So scary. Thank you for the information. I’ll be sure to pass it along to my mommy friends (especially the new moms).
Wow scary scary scary. I don’t blame you for being neurotic, who else is going to be? you are the #1 caretaker of baby. Great informative post. I recently just started hearing quite a bit about this and never heard of it until this year.
Thanks for sharing
thank you for this very informative post
AWESOME info — I visited home a few weeks back, and my mom told me of SO MANY CASES of this! It’s scary!
RSV can be so scary! Thank God we never dealt with it, and I’m hoping to keep the germs away when little miss D gets here too. Thanks for sharing the info!
Thanks for sharing– I had no idea!
Great Post, I know it will help someone:)Sorry that you had to go through that. I have a Haley to:)
It’s hard to enforce this but you have to be the protector for those who are to small to protect themselves!
Thanks for sharing. Such an important issue. I know someone who had a son die of it recently. Awful.
WOW!!! I am so scared of having my own child especially because of these things that I Have NO idea about!! Thanks so much for sharing this is so helpful!!!!!!
thank you for sharing – I will share with my readers
Very interesting post and great to make us all aware! Thanks!
Great post…you’re right about having to limit visitors. It’s a shame that we have to feel like we’re on the defensive when we’re only trying to protect our little babies!!
Great information for parents – first timers, and those who are old hat. Thank you for helping keep the awareness up!
I love your letter—it’s pretty perfect. I learned a lot reading your post!I hadn’t known about RSV before reading this.
Great Post. Little guy had RSV its very scarey
So scary! L has currently been exposed to RSV and I am afraid he has it, he woke up with a horrific cough this morning. I am trying not to worry too much since he is getting closer to 1, but it is awful hearing him cough.
How scary! My (now 1 year old) caught influenza (yep the flu) when he was just 5 weeks old. It was so scary and he ended up being hospitalized overnight and they had to do a spinal tap and all sorts of awful things to rule out anything serious. It was awful.
They are so fragile at that age and it’s worth being “overprotective” to keep them safe.
Thank you for sharing! With a little one at home, I know I feel better knowing all the info on this topic:)
eeks such a scary thing to go through!
My second daughter caught a cold when she was a month old, but she did not have these symptoms that you described. Lucky for me! Thanks for sharing this.
This is a great post – RSV is something that doesn’t get enough attention, and awareness can help so much!
I’ve never heard of this. Thanks for the information.