I happen to have found one of the cutest stores online, Summer Closet. Summer Closet is a boutique that specializes in one of a kind homemade clothing items. If you have children and are looking for the cutest items, this is the store to go to! At Summer Closet, each piece is designed to fit all your kids fashion needs. They recently created a Mommy, Dolly, and Me line that is truly adorable.
When you go to their site, you will see many categories of shopping including baby, for him/little him, aprons, costumes, dress up, dolly/me, mommy/dolly/me, accessories, for her, bridal, holiday, and home decor. Whether you are a man, woman, boy, or girl- you will be cooking at some point of your life. It is a fact of life for most of us. Why not get the cutest aprons on the market and even start your kids off early in the imagination of cooking.
Besides the adorable customizable aprons, you can get an apron for any of those special holidays and celebrations. How cute that they even make a matching bride/groom apron! Asides from the aprons, they have adorable matching mom/me/baby outfits for special occasions. If you are looking for perfect matching mom/me/dolly outfits, look no further than Summer Closet. They also sell matching kids/doll hair accessories to dress up and compliment those outfits that you order.
We had the chance to review the Mommy/Dolly/and Me Polka Dot Cherry Apron set. This apron set is reversible and has hidden pockets with bows on them. I have to say the quality of these aprons is truly remarkable. The first time we used them, egg yolk went all over my daughters apron. I put it in the wash and it immediately was back in perfect form. The aprons also look so cute on and makes us seem like a team when we are cooking. Of course, her dolly needs to wear the apron too when we cook at all times.
Any of the products on Summer Closet would make a perfect addition to your and your kids wardrobe. Whether you go with matching apron sets or matching clothes, you will be 100 percent satisfied. I will add that the aprons seen in the pictures on the website does not really do the products justice. The aprons are really incredible when we received them!
I think one of the greatest aspects of buying from Summers Closet is they donate funds directly to Mission Hope Charity. This charity benefits those fighting breast cancer.
**Our mission is to create Hope and a bond between Mothers who are battling cancer and their young daugthers. Mommy’s Hope was started in memory of Renee Mason the mother of the owner and designer, of Summers Closet who lost her battle with breast cancer in March of 2000. Renee was a great inspiration to so many people in so many organizations including the homeschooling and her church communities. Most of all, Renee was the biggest inspiration to her 6 daughters and 2 sons that she left behind. Renee’s daughters were between the ages of 4 and 24 when she passed away and even younger when she started her battle with breast cancer the year before. In the midst of running around to various doctors appointments, treatments and hospital visits, often a cancer patient has little time, emotional or physical energy to spend on themselves or their families. Our goal is to give these mothers and their daughters a symbol of their bond and their hope for recovery.**
Buy it: You can purchase any matching sets, whether aprons, clothes, or accessories on Summer Closet.
Win it: You can win the set that is seen on us above . Average Retail Value of this set is $44.95. Of course, you will get your own personalization. This giveaway is run via rafflecopter so be sure to click “continue reading” to see the actual giveaway. The only mandatory entry is to tell me what is your favorite thing to make with your kids or friends in the comment section proceeding this post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest you fill them out to increase your chances of winning. US only. Good luck!
*Thank you to Summer Closet for supplying me products to review. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
Our favourite thing to cook together is Chili. Easy for the kids to just dump in each ingredient! My kids are only 4 and 2.
I love baking cookies and cakes and also cooking fall foods…chili or pumpkin breads…Bre is still too litle yet to help out!
I love baking cakes, especially, birthday cakes. The boys help, even, at an older age.
My favorite thing would be homemade Animal Soft Pretzels!
Our latest adventures in baking seems to be Chocolate crackles.. I think he just likes playing in the powdered sugar
My three year old is all about cupcakes right now, mainly because she gets to be the “Master Decorator” and creates all sorts of fun things.
My littlest is only one; so far we’re doing easy recipes together, like roasted sweet potato shapes and watermelon freezes.
My son is 22 months old so we haven’t been cooking much together, but I love that he helps by banging spoons and pots and pans together while I cook!
I don’t have any but I do like to bake with children. Cakes and cookies because they get so excited about helping to make the special treat.
we love to make pizza’s together
I don’t have kids yet, but I remember my favorite thing was the Christmas cookies (: decorating them was always a blast!
we love making pancakes, muffins and ANYTHING with dough (their favorite, not so much mine as they mostly try to eat the dough
This is such a great giveaway. I have two boys so I will leave the entries to other folks. Although I do have a bun in the oven and we don’t know the sex yet. Aprons are just adorable, especially a set like this.
Love making pizza as family
We love baking together, although not much ends up making it to the oven :)..this is such a cute product, we would love to win!!!
That is so adorable! Too bad I’m not eligible to enter
Our favorite thing to cook is waffles! We got a waffle iron over a year ago and try to make some every Sunday!
That is so adorable! I love the idea of mommy/daughter matching aprons, but the matching doll one makes it even better! Genius! The three of you look so cute!
We love cooking everything together but the one thing my son enjoys the most is making pancakes. He loves whisking the ingredients together.
My daughter loves helping me make waffles.
My favorite things to cook with my little ones are cookies,cupcakes and homemade pizza
My daughter and I love making brownies, cupcakes, and cookies together in the kitchen!
my daughter loves to help me cook anything
We don’t cook anything yet, but I can’t wait to back cookies and cupcakes with the girls!
Oh my word! I want to win this one!
We look to cook dinner together. So much fun to spend time together cooking. We enjoy making a dessert we call Brigadeiros. It’s a Brazilian dessert.
I taught all the kids how to bake bread. We had a great time doing it together, and now they are expert bakers on their own.
Cookies, and lots of them
I love anything that they can decorate. I do the cooking. They make a mess decorating. Works for us!
Cookies! We love to make cookies!
cupcakes- they love to decorate them
tcogbill at live dot com
My current favorite is quiche. My 3yr old sounds like a such a little adult anytime she see’s eggs lately. ” Mom, are you making quiche again?”
My kids and I love making cookies together. We also have a good time with making pizza.
You all look so cute in those aprons together!
we love to bake cake pops and decorate them together.
i entere thomas, angelina, and birthday bash giveaways
melissa, you and hayley are adorable! omygoodness, i LOVE cherry print…it is so sweet.
and i love that they added an outfit for her doll!
Pizza and cookies!
My fav thing is to make sugar cookies my boy! Messy but so much fun!
Cupcakes seem to be the favorite around my house.
Chocolate chip cookies!!!
anything she can mix.
Christmas sugar cookies!
My FB name: Mrs. Kathy Davis
I entered:
Personalized kids/mom/doll aprons Summer Closet giveaway
Company Kids Giveaway- Zane first Birthday Bash
Hoohobbers personalized kids rocking chair
Hmm, G is still too young to cook with me, but she gets out her pots and pans to help!
My daughter likes helping me cook ANYTHING but her favorite is making cookies and cakes
Hi hun! Nowhere to post which 3 giveaways I entered so putting them here:
Company Kids Giveaway- Zane first Birthday Bash
Hoohobbers personalized kids rocking chair!
My Fairytale Personalized DVD/Book
I meant Angelina the Ballerina, Timmy Time, Barney Giveaway not My fairytale personalized dvd/book
Favorite thing to make together is pizza!
Baby C isn’t quite old enough to cook with, but I can’t wait to have fun with cooking!
We like to make cookies.
Cake or cupcakes so he can frost and sprinkle them.
i love to bake Christmas cookies with my daughter
Adorable! We love to make cupcakes.
We love making brownies because she loves stirring up the mixture
Cakes, they love to mix the cake batter for me
We like making pizza together
Added your button to my blog http://www.debbie-myemptynest.blogspot.com
We love to make cookies together!
Pizza! All from scratch…even the crust!
I like baking, cookies and cakes
Pizza sandwiches.
We like to make personal pizzas so everyone gets what they want!
My daughter loves to make chicken, onion and bell pepper fajitas
We like to make cupcakes, muffins, spaghetti, and pho.
We love to make cookies and decorate them together
I love making cupcakes with my kids.
I love making chicken cutlets with my daughter. Messy but a lot of fun.
your button on my blog
We love to make cookies.
We love to make sugar cookies and decorate them.
My favorite thing to make with my niece is chocolate chip cookies! So fun (and yummy!).
I love baking cookies with my kiddos.
We like to bake cakes and cookies.
Cupcakes of course!
I cook pizza with my kids.
I entered the Boon, the Angelina the Ballerina, and the Tru Kid and Noodle & Boo Giveaway
pizza or rice krispie treats
We love making pizza together.
I love to bake with my girls, especially cookies and cakes.
We bake cookies and cupcakes!
Also entered Boone animal toy bag, Hoohobbers Rocking Chair, Angelina the Ballerina/Barney
My daughter is still a little young but she enjoys watching and somewhat helping with pancakes!
Pizza’s are a huge hit here!
chocolate chips
cookies and candy treats
Jillian and I like to make muffins!
the kids love baking treats!
Pancakes. We make smiley face pancakes.
Cookies is my favorite thing to cook with my children.
We like to bake brownies!
cake and brownies!!
I entered the Angelina, Tru Kid and Noodle and Boon Animal Toy Bag giveaways!
We like to make cupcakes
Homemade bread and grilled cheese in shapes!
I entered the Hoohobber’s Rocking chair giveaway, the Nickelodian DVD’s, and the Summer Closet giveaways.
Cookies or Meatloaf!!!
We like to bake, cookies are probably a favorite!
I like to bake cakes and cupcakes with my granddaughters
Sugar cookie with sprinkles
cupcakes and cake pops
Choc chip cookies
So cute! Baking with my children is one of our favorite things to do together! Thanks for the giveaway!
For got to add our favorite thing to bake together oops >.<
Cookies and brownies
My son doesn’t cook with me yet, but I like making desserts best because the anticipation and excitement that I will get to eat them is so great!
We love making homemade pizza together
I just signed up for RSS through google reader, and email – don’t know yet if they work ,but I’ll come back and let you know.
We like to bake anything chocolate together!
cookies and cupcakes
My daughter likes to help me bake cakes
Cookies because she can ice them like a pro!
I love to BBQ with my Grand Daughter
My daughter always loves making our own secret Taco Pie.
I have entered all of the giveaways listed on the side except the rocking chair, which is closed.
Cookies are always fun to make!
Cupcake…up pupcakes as she says
cakes and cake pops!
I love to decorate sugar cookies and cupcakes with my nephews.
Entered all,open contests as of now. Thanks.
we love to make cupcakes together
My grandsons favorite is cupcakes
We like to bake together. Yesterday we made a rainbow cake in a mason jar. It was easy, fun, and really cute!
anything that uses the chopper my daughter loves
We love making cupcakes and cookies together.
I would love to win this for my wife and daughter. My wife loves to bake cakes with our little Gwen.
We love baking cookies and brownies.
We love Baking Home Made Pizzas! They love rolling the dough and topping it!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
Anything that involves baking is always fun to me.
We love to bake anything, especially cookies.
Dana Beeman / danabeeman(at)gmail(dot)com
I like doing breakfast with my daughter. It just seems to start the day off right if we start it doing something together.
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
We love making cupcakes and decorating each different.
kate contest girl @ gmail . com
michedt at yahoo dot com
as a mom of 4 we all get in the kitchen and cook together and when we do noone complains about whats for dinner and our most fave thing to make together is homemade pies.
My daughter and I like to bake peanut butter cookies together.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com
We make cookies and banana splits and pasta salad stirups..
caden at pineland.net
We love to bake cookies.
Sugar Cookies
They love triple mac and cheese!
Kids love making cookies.
Etsy Flydud Personalized Shirt giveaway
Lalaloopsy DVD plus Lalaloopsy doll giveaway
Nickelodeon Huge DVD giveaway