One of the things I love about being a mom is the way that my kids remind me not to take life too seriously all the time. Children live in a world of fantasy half the time in their play and in the way they imagine things work in the world. Sometimes as I watch them in play , I can fondly remember (although vaguely) being in that make believe world as a child myself. Like me as a child, Hayley loves to play dress up! She and her little friends can play dress up for hours on end. It is a good thing we have acquired the well stocked bin of dress up children’s outfits that seems to be a must for all parents of small children to maintain.
I love to cultivate their fantasy play, and have found great costumes at reasonable prices seasonally at places like B.J.’s or year round on-line at shops like Fancy Dress Ball . You may already know this about me, but with two small children I prefer to do most of my shopping on-line. Can you imagine me taking these two into a fancy dress shop store?! It would be complete anarchy and I’d leave owning half the store. It is so much easier not to drag them around, in and out of the car and shops. This tends to make for cranky kids, and a cranky mom, especially when it comes to shopping for kids outfits. I used to think it was strange when I would see a neighborhood kid wearing his batman costume day after day, all day long.
However now that Hayley is in her dress up phase, I get it! She does not want to wear her regular clothes, and as a mom you learn to pick your battles. If she wants to prance around in her princess costume all day feeling like she’s living in a fairytale, after all, who am I to burst her bubble?
*This post was brought to you by fancy dress ball.
I especially love when Kendal dresses Drew as a princess. =)
We play a lot of dress up. There are a lot of princesses in our family!
My girls loved to play dress up when they were young. I miss those days.
I bought so many fancy prom like dresses at thrift shops…theyplayed dress up and then later had plays..always fun!!
It’s funny, but yes, my son likes to play dress up. However, it’s different with boys because he only has Woody and Buzz Lightyear costumes right now. He also likes it when I put his “handsome clothes” on him so that works on church days!!
My daughter hasn’t really shown an interest in playing dress up aside from wearing my heels! She may not want to dress like a princess yet but she sure does want to act like one…lol!
I think you are wise to pick your battles and when my son was little it was his Superman Underoos he was in love with and I was worried I would never get him to take them off to wash them.
My six-year-old loves to dress up! So does my 3-year-old and he’s a boy…
I can’t wait until O is old enough to dress up
we play dress up constantly, we have an entire station dedicated to it.