1. Were you Team Blue, Team Purple or Team Green for your kiddos? I was team green with Hayley till the ultrasound tech really messed up at 38 weeks and told me. Seriously! I will never get over being mad at this teach. For Zane, we found out at our first opportunity.
2. What is your dream job? I have it- I love being a kids dentist!
3. Did you go to college? Where and what’s your degree in? Yes, college at Lehigh University and then dental school at University of Pennsylvania
4. If you could move anywhere, where would you go? Easy- Hawaii! I do get to go on vacation there in t minus 6 weeks!
5. What is your favorite part of your personality? I am bubbly
6. Why did you start blogging? As a private blog to my family. I have since opened it up to the public and have not looked back.
7. Do you have pets? If so, what kind and their names? No
8. Favorite picture of your kid(s).
9. Do (or did) you play video games? No but I do work out on my Wii- does that count?
10. Are you planning on more kids? Yes- I would like one more- my husband not so much.
11. What was your favorite grade in school? I loved school but my favorite was high school
2. How did you meet your husband? Funny- we met at a CPR class! Could you believe it!
3. What moment in time changed your life? When I was in a car accident at 12, where the other people around me were left in a coma. I walked away with a messed up back but I had my life. I always think back to that time and realize that I should never take anything for granted.
4. Have you ever met anyone in real life that you met online? Yes, Candice from The New Modern Momma. We met on twitter and became good friends IRL. We are actually blogher 12 roommates! I really would love to meet my other twitter peeps too- one day, right!
5. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? Hawaii and I am going!
6. Best tweet you ever read? When my tweet friends, announce their babies that are born!
7. If you graduated college, do you use your degree with your job? Yes, I am a dentist!
8. If you could change one thing, what would it be? I would have not been in a relationship for so many years with a guy who was a complete jerk. Oh well, you live and you learn!- I guess the experience led me to the greatest guy though!
9. Favorite type of accessory? Earrings!
10. If you were to plan your own surprise party, what would your theme be? Hawaii themed- Can you tell I love Hawaii!
11. Are you more of a soccer Mom type or non-sports Mom type? Non sports mom which is weird because I played so many sports growing up.
Tell us a little about yourself and your blog or blogs: I am a part time dentist as well as a blogger at www.the-mommyhood-chronicles.com. I started this blog strictly for family and decided to make it public August 1, 2011. My blog focuses on stories on my 2 kids- Hayley who is 3.5 and Zane who will be 1 on March 31. I also do a lot of product reviews/giveaways, as well as a Saturday blog hop for any funny/cute/top 5 laughs of the week. I am really enjoying blogging!
What do you consider your greatest personal achievement? Graduating dental school and getting my DMD
Where is your favorite place to hang out on the Internet? on blogs,lol and facebook
If you could meet one person dead or alive, who would that be? probably my grandfather who I never got to meet. He passed away 1 week before I was born.
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? I have it!
Favorite movie or TV show? Lost and Primal Fear
So, I have to ask 11 questions now. I have so many great blogging friends who I could ask, but I going to ask a few who I don’t think participated yet. I am tagging: Krista from Army Style Wife, Candice from Where Nothing Good Comes Easy, Samantha from Adventures with Gwenn, Shannon at Sweet Stellas, Shannon from SBUXSWEETIE, Laura from We got the Funk Dawn from Our Little Fam, Sarah from Nearly Newlyweds, Candice at The New Modern Momma, Cari at Adventures of Roberts, and Megan at Denver Adventures.
Here are my 11 questions:
1. What is your favorite all time movie and television show?
2. What is your favorite season?
3. Coffee or tea?
4. When did you start your blog and what is the focus of your blog?
5. How did you come up with your kids names?
6. What is your favorite holiday?
7. What was your favorite subject in school?
8. What is your favorite book?
9. Cutest thing your kids has ever said or done?
10. Are you a morning or night person?
11. Are you a SAHM, full time working mom, or part time working mom?
Let me know when you set it up because I would love to see your answers. When you are done, pass it on to some other bloggers who you think have not done this yet.

Cool! Learned lots of new stuff about you, especially that you are a kid dentist. That is so cool! Your kids are adorable!
love this post!!! I love that pic of the kids!!! so cute
That is awesome that you did all 3 tags!
Thank you for the nice compliment, some day we will meet in real life. Maybe BlogHer13?!
Great learning more about you!
Thanks for sharing about yourself. Love that picture of your kids.
Awesome to learn a little more about you!!
Thanks for the Tag! I wrote my answers and they will post tomorrow! Loved reading yours
How fun – love learning about the real you
Great answers. I can't imagine being in a car wreck like that at the age of 12. So terrifying!
I'm so jealous that you are going to be in Hawaii soon! I would so move there too…I loved our honeymoon to Maui. I remember that pic of your kids…love that one!
Which Hawaiian island(s) are you going to? We went to the Big Island and Oahu last year and it was amazing. I would love to go back again…I'm sure you will have a fabulous time!
We are taking a cruise through Maui, Kona, Oahu, and Maui. Then staying at the new Disney resort. Can't wait!
Aww girl, thanks for tagging me! I am going to post it tomorrow. I am so jealous of your Hawaii trip! Any room for me in a spare suitcase?
Thanks for the tag! Hopefully I can get to this later this week.
Fun learning more about you, I can't believe you are going to Hawaii soon I'm jealous and hope to see lots of pics
Love this! So awesome you will be going to Hawaii in 6 weeks!! Pink is my favorite color, too. Love that you met your husband in CPR class :).. thanks for the tag, can't wait to answer the questions.
we have 3 kids and my husband wants one more..me not so much..3 has taken me over the top! My sister-in-law is also a kids' dentist, but she didn't like it as much as you, she left and became a jewelry designer.
how neat that you met your husband in cpr class! i loved reading all about you, melissa!!
hawaii in 6 weeks sounds blissful…i can't wait to read and see pictures…it looks beautiful!
as always, the photo of your babes in their matching outfits is too cute.
i'm so glad you walked away okay after the accident and am so sorry for all that you and everyone had to endure.
you rock!!
maria <3
I loved learning more about you! I hope you have a great vacation! I bet you're super excited for that!
How ironic! I just had a job interview this morning and have been "studying" their website. The guy who interviewed me graduated from Lehigh and then I read your post and noticed you did too! I had never heard of it and now I've heard it twice in one day! Craziness!