REI is your all inclusive, one stop outdoor gear and accessories superstore for the seasoned adventure pro as well as for the novice outdoor enthusiast. Not only does REI have the most expansive array of products from hiking equipment, fishing gear, cycling accessories, to rock climbing equipment. REI has made it their mission to bring you the best collection of quality outdoor gear.
This outdoor gear and supply giant has taken the forefront in being the leader of all things outdoor. You can literally find anything you need for your next outdoor getaway. With REI offering premium products, it is no wonder that they come with a premium price. However, in order to maximize your savings at REI, be on the look out for an Rei Coupon .
Rei Coupons can be found in various forms and could range from a percentage off your total order to a nominal amount off your purchase one you spend a certain amount. Check your Rei Coupon for details on what that particular coupon is good for.
Coupons are not the only way to save money at REI; in fact they have multiple ways of savings like through their membership program. REI members receive 10% off eligible in store and online purchases. Consider becoming an REI member if you are a true outdoor enthusiast to save some money and having fun at the same time.
As winter approaches and the climate changes, many people are heading out doors to take advantage of the snow season. Using an Rei Coupon to save money on snow clothes this year will free up more money to spend elsewhere. You can even purchase lift tickets or passes with the money you saved from using an REI coupon on other products.
The next time you head into an REI store or scour the REI website, check out all the great products and offerings REI has at that time. Chances are you will be able to score an Rei Coupon to help you save money on your next purchase.
*This is a sponsored post.

I love coupons! Thank you for the link!
I haven't heard of REI before now, thanks for the review! I'm headed to browse around.
I had never heard of REI before either. Thanks for sharing the info and the COUPONS!!
I haven't been to REI yet but I have been curious to check them out and see if they have good base layers for winter running. Thanks for pointing out the coupon, it'll help
I've never heard of REI before but I know some guys that would love to shop here! Thanks for the code
REI rocks!!! We love that store. Thanks for sharing the coupons.
I love REI so much! There's a huge store in Redmond, WA, where we have family…love shopping there for summer stuff
My dad and brother love REI! Thanks for the coupons, that is where I always get them their Christmas and birthday gifts!
There are some really cool shoes from their that I would like to try : )
I love REI. My only complaint is that the closest to me is 90 minutes away…
I had never heard of REI. Thanks for the post! Seems like a cool place!
We were just there on Saturday! They were passing out 30% off coupons!
For Love of Cupcakes
Rei is a great store! For those, that don't know it- check it out online!
I'm browsing for hiking boots and this is the first I heard of REI. Thanks for the heads up on the coupon!
I love REI. We have one right down the street, and that's literally where we get all our camping gear and stuff! I could always use coupons for them!
We love REI! Thanks for the head's up on the coupons.
I didn't know REI did coupons. Don't tell my husband lol.
Hmm, I have not heard of this place before. Wonder if we have them in Texas….
Thank you for introducing me to this website!
REI sounds like a really cool store! I'll have to check it out.
never heard of this store. I'll check it out thanks
thank you so much for sharing, melissa!! i'm going to save it to my favorites and check it out!! sounds awesome…and i LOVE a good bargain!!
We had never really shopped at REI before but recently discovered their hats! My hubby has a tough time finding ones that fit right but the selection at our local REI was fantastic. He come home with two
We used to shop at REI when I was growing up. We don't spend much time outdoors now that we live in the hot and humid south. If I moved back up north, I'd be outside ALL The time, though.
We used to shop at REI when I was growing up. We don't spend much time outdoors now that we live in the hot and humid south. If I moved back up north, I'd be outside ALL The time, though.
We used to shop at REI when I was growing up. We don't spend much time outdoors now that we live in the hot and humid south. If I moved back up north, I'd be outside ALL The time, though.
Your Blog is Awesome….:)
can you please post best REI Discount Coupons,
so that i can Save my money for this Christmas season.
Nice blog post, I too love REI store. Recently I was shot at using rei coupon codes and saved lot of money.