The weekend is finally here! I hope everyone enjoys themselves this weekend.
I am so excited with the response with the Saturday laugh posts that my friend Jamie from For Love of Cupcakes made me a cute button. If you would like to put it with your posts, I would appreciate that but it is definitely not required. Actually, this blog hop has no rules except to write a top five Saturday laugh post or link up any funny post that you wrote. Come visit exciting blogs and leave them comments. I hope you enjoy writing these as it can be a great end to the week post as well as great memories to last for the future. The link up can be found at the end of this post!

I want to announce that the winner of my Spooner Board giveaway (according to is comment #707-Brian. I will email you shortly. Don’t forget I have two other wonderful giveaways going on for the fabulous PlasmaCar and the very cute burp/bib cloth set. I have giveaways scheduled till the end of December so please continue to check back.
Now for my top five laughs:
5.This is not necessarily funny but so cute. Zane woke up with his two bottom teeth. I saw white for awhile but today they officially broke through. He looks so cute. Yah for teeth!
4. Hayley figured out how to open the refrigerator recently. Today, I woke up, and got ready for work. Hayley managed to get her yogurt from the refrigerator, rip the cover off with her teeth, grab her spoon, and put on her bib. When I go downstairs, the yogurt was eaten and she was a mess. I asked how come she didn’t call for me and she responded, “Mommy, I was too hungry.”
3.We have a ton of birthday parties for Hayley’s friends this month. Hayley managed to rip the wrapping off the gift I got for her friend for tomorrow’s party, and proceeds to tell me that we can’t give that toy to anyone because she wants it. I told her it was for her friend and she says, “No mommy, Go away, It is mine!”
2. Hayley tells me nightly that I have to go to bed when she does. I tell her that I will go to sleep right after she does. I hear her most nights yelling from her crib at 10/10:30 pm: “I still hear you, so I am not going to sleep.” The girl means business!
1. The last one again is not a laugh but it is so cute that I had to share. Hayley told me yesterday that I was her best friend and she will love me forever! I told her thank you and she then proceeds to ask me if Zane can be best friends with us. I LOVE MY KIDS!! I am really blessed.

Yay for teeth! When J's first two bottom teeth broke through, I cried. Infant no more!
Now, I cry because he uses those daggers when he nurses. Yee-ouch!
Not exactly a funny post but it's a fun post!!
Trip to an amusement park
Ai @ Sakura HARUKA
Great laughs this week! Love them all, but Hayls cracks me up! She is so very logical, from being too hungry for help to telling you to go away so she can keep the toy. I love the first one, so precious!! I cherish the best friend comments, because someday I know I will be the worst thing ever
Will be linking up soon and I will grab the cute button!!
I love that she told you that you are her best friend! I look forward to moments like that with Torin. And I LOVE the new button!
#2 is too funny Liam tells me the same thing and then he says if I don't go to bed he'll take away my computer
This is my kind of blog hop! I love funny!!
Love it! Thanks for the link up. I'm now following back
Congrats on the new blog hop banner. Hopping over from the MBS Alexa blog hop. I always enjoy visiting your blog
I will definitely have to link up to your saturday laughs tomorrow 
Lovin' your new bloghop button!!!

Aww #3 is so funny! Luv #2 as well, your daughter is adorable and yes, YAY for teeth!!
Tell Zane, Liam said welcome to the tooth club
I'm linking up a post, I didn't gather enough Top Laughs
I am already a follower. Thanks for hosting. This is a great blog hop and looking forward to reading some of the posts! #3 was my favorite.It was cute and I know that she was serious about not giving away that toy!
Have a great weekend!
Aww. Hayley is such a sweetie. I love the one about being best friends.
Oh your daughter sounds like a pip! LOL I got a nice chuckle reading about her antics. And yay for teeth! I hope the teething process hasn't been too terrible.
The button for the hop is really cute too
how sweet…your girl sounds like a real character :).
Aww #4 is hilarious and #1 is so sweet! <3 My post is ready to go, but I have to have this Social Spark post up for a little while first. I will link up asap.
For Love of Cupcakes
Your kids are just precious!!
LOL @ #3
Oh my gosh, I love number two! What a little cutie.
I bet it's hard to get mad when she makes a mess.
So cute! I wish my girl would put her bib on.. she's always taking it off!
So cute! Thanks for inviting me!
Stopped by and joined the blog hop from our group with Darcy. I will hit the Like button on the new Doc that she created so I won't lose track of what I did, which is often! I am already a follower just wanted to help a little bit in my way. Have a great weekend.
So cute! Love your laughs, made me laugh! Thanks!
I don't have any laughs to share this week, but I always enjoy reading yours!!! LOVE your "5 Laughs" button!!! NICE~~~
I love funny, happy posts!!!
So cute!! She reminds me so much of Kadence.
I love the button, but when I added it to my post, it was just the code. Anyone know how to help a girl out?
Love this post. My little daredevil can always contribute something humorous!
CUTE! I love her yelling I can still hear you! That is too funny!
I love these!!! Your Hayley is a riot!!! I promise to link up tomorrow {sorry for the lateness, we were on a road trip today and now I'm B-E-A-T!} Hope you're having a great weekend.
Thanks so much everyone!
melissa, your children are seriously too cute…i know i say it all the time, but they are!

"you're my best friend"…that is just too adorable…and the fact that she listens in on you from her room…i love it.
my friend and i were just talking this weekend about how smart children are and how amazing it is…what they know and how emotional they can be at such a young age. it really is awesome.
ok, i'm off to check out your newest post