Is it already the weekend? Seems like this week went so fast! Here in Rhode Island it has been raining constantly so we are all hoping for a nicer weekend.
Before I begin, I want to announce the winner of my amber teething necklace giveaway. The winner according to is Staci. I will email you. If you did not win, no worries. I have 3 other giveaways going on. I also have quite a few awesome giveaways coming up, so be on the lookout. For now feel free to enter:
My kindle giveaway (ends tomorrow):
My Halo sleepwear giveaway (ends 10/26/11):
My Spooner giveaway (ends 11/2/11):
Anyway, I really enjoyed doing my first link-up last week. We had some great laughs from some awesome bloggers. I really made this a link-up so you can enjoy meeting other blogs but more importantly, to have some fun. These are my favorite posts to write because when I look back one day when I am old and gray, I will have these posts to laugh at.
The only rule for this link-up/blog hop is to write a Saturday top five post. If you have another post that doesn’t detail your top five laughs but is funny, you may add it, if you see fit. If you would like to follow either me or any other blogs, leave a comment so they know you are following them. Since this is a new link-up and a first for me, I would appreciate if you can help me spread the word via twitter, fb, or any other social media sites you are a part of. I hope you enjoy each other’s laughs.
5. Hayley has a new favorite “toy” and she constantly asks, “Show me how to do it” over and over. It is not a kids product but since she sees everything I do, she was intrigued. One of my blogging friends was the inventor of a product called Toothpaste 2 Go. She gave me the product because she knew I was a dentist and she wanted me to try it out. So a few days ago, Hayley and I did a few test runs of this awesome new product. Now, all the time she wants me to show her how to do it. Last night she screamed out of her crib, “Mommy, please show me the toothpaste thing again.” So cute! For those who are wondering what this awesome new invention is, it is called Toothpaste 2 Go. It is basically a reusable travel tub that contains a 1 fl. oz capacity. Basically, you attach the tube adapter that comes with the product (the blue ring) to the tube (clear tube) as well as your regular toothpaste tube. Once both tubes are secured to the tube adapter, you squeeze your full toothpaste into the empty travel sized tube. Then you can take that tube with you wherever you go. No need to keep bringing all those travel size toothpaste products on the plane. You can simply bring this tube and it is reusable. When you are done, you wash it out. Pretty neat idea. Check out her product site at I give it a A+ in my professional opinion!
4. Last weekend we went pumpkin picking. Hayley told me that she didn’t like any of the pumpkins in the field. I ask her why not and she told me, “She needs the pumpkin with Dora on it.” We carved Dora into a pumpkin last year so I guess she was looking for the same pumpkin. We did end of getting a regular pumpkin which, as she says, is fine.
3. Zane has become a good sleeper but a heavy snorer. Last night, I kicked my husband to stop snoring. He told me that it wasn’t him. Right, I thought. Turns out he wasn’t the one snoring. The monitor was on and Zane was snoring like an old man. Incredible the sounds he makes!
2. Hayley has been sick this week. On Wednesday she told me she needed her Flintstone vitamins in the middle of the night. I told her we can give her Tylenol but she told me the only thing that would make her feel better was the Flintstones. There must be “magic” in those vitamins because she went right back to bed.
1.Hayley ended up spilling her cereal all over the floor for the hundredth time that day. I turned to her with the evil stare and she told me, “Don’t worry, I vacuum it up.” So off she went to get her play vacuum and I went to change Zane’s diaper. When I came back all the cereal was gone. I asked her where the cereal went. She said the vacuum cleans everything. To this day, I am not sure what happened. I will probably find those sneaky cheerios behind my coach one day.
So, now your turn? Come link-up or just let me know what your laughs are!

I think the Dora pumpkin is hysterical, you may have to carve another one that way this year. The response is even funnier, it's fine is such a girl thing to say, she will never outgrow it!
The snoring this is so funny! I can't believe he snores that loud, poor guy, I hope he grows out of it.
I love when things work to put kids back to bed, whatever works at that point!
Claire does the same thing when she spills. She tells me it's ok mommy its an accident (in toddler voice), don't be mad.
Glad you're doing the linky again!!
Oh my gosh, I am cracking up about that last one! That is so funny. I am curious as to wear the cereal went too! Have a great weekend.
Your Saturday posts are always so funny. Liam snores, too, and I was cracking up about the cereal incident. I'm so glad you created the link up. I love thinking of all the funny things that happened throughout the week.
So funny!
New follower from the Weekend Hop:)
Thanks again for hosting Melissa, this is so much fun! Have a nice weekend
Mackenzie is also becoming a snorer. I blame it on her grandparents – she took a nap with them once and I went to check on them and they were ALL snoring! I can't wait until Mackenzie starts talking (well I can) and hear all her funny stories/comments.
These are great! This link up is great too – we all need a good laugh!
That Toothpaste 2 Go is a genius idea!
Ahh.. the rare Doramus Exploramus pumpkin that is so hard to find naturally occurring.
Thanks. Hope everyone is having a great Saturday so far.
OMG the snoring thing I can TOTALLY Relate to. Grady is NOT a good sleeper but he snores like an old man. I love it. Not really, it's kind of annoying. But it does always provide quite the laugh.
OMG the snoring thing I can TOTALLY Relate to. Grady is NOT a good sleeper but he snores like an old man. I love it. Not really, it's kind of annoying. But it does always provide quite the laugh.
OMG the snoring thing I can TOTALLY Relate to. Grady is NOT a good sleeper but he snores like an old man. I love it. Not really, it's kind of annoying. But it does always provide quite the laugh.
I want to know where the cheerios went too! LOL
Oh gosh that's so funny that Zane snores that loudly! BTW you should make a button for your linky!
The snoring thing is too funny. My DH INSISTS he doesn't snore, but he does. Of course, he snored before we had Levi, so he can't use the baby monitor as an excuse
I honestly wonder what happened to that cereal!
I can't believe Zane can snore like that – too funny.
And I'm kind of curious where the Cheerios are now, too
Toothpaste to go is an awesome idea!
Funny about #1,2,3
P.S. -Bella
Silly me, I had the code wrong for my button! It should be working now. And thanks! I always love reading your laughs, so I'm really glad you opened it up for every one else. =)
Or maybe she ate them! Lol how cute
How funny, just when you get Zane to sleep well, now you can't!! I didn't link up this week cause I did another post, but I will schedule for next Sat and I'll mention your new link up too xo
LOL…I love #1…I am curious to where she hid and/or put the cereal that she spilled on the floor. It is probably in the most unlikely place and you will find it all when you least expect it. Will have to do another post and let us know where you found the cereal…that is..if you ever do! Great post!
Hahahaha, I love the snoring story! Omg, that is hilarious!
Your kids are so cute. Love the snoring story. Thanks for joining the Planet Weidknecht Weekend Hop!
Every time Saturday comes along I have nothing funny to post.
It is funny that Zane snores louder than your husband
Newest follower from MBC blog hop- Hope you can visit and follow me back:)
Kindly, refresh the page if gfc page won't appear..
Thank's and have a great day:)
OH these are your best ones yet! I am laughing way too hard right now! Thanks for the comic relief!
I'm your newest follower from the weekend blog hop, would love to have you follow back!
LOL! And I love that toothpaste idea! I hate those little travel size tubes–they seem like such a waste.
THese are so funny…. I really enjoyed the snoring, my son snores but he'll never admit it when you tell him.
I'm stopping by to say hi from the Lets Get Social Hop.
so many laughs, melissa! so much to comment on!! i burst out laughing that you thought it was your husband snoring! LOL i kick steve a little too much, but then again he SNORES LIKE A BEAST!! last night i contemplated sewing his nose shut
too funny that it was lil' zane!! 
i would love to know where you find the cereal that hayley "vacuumed" up! haha too cute! i hope she's feeling better this week!
thank you so much for your sweet and very thoughtful words. i've been meaning to email you for quite some time!! this week, i promise, i'm going to
wishing you a fantastic monday! <3