Hope everyone has a fabulous Saturday. If you are interested in participating in the Saturday’s laughs, please let me know. I am thinking about adding a linkup to my post. Writing my Saturday posts are my favorite post of all week. Kids can be so funny and to write down all they say during the week, gives me such pleasure and will be very memoriable when I look back down the road. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
5. We decided to take Hayley to Hawaii with us when we go in May for my husbands orthodontic conference. Everyday she tells everyone, ” I am going to Hawaii tomorrow, you want to come? It will be fun. I am going on a big plane”. She is so excited although I am pretty sure she has no idea where Hawaii even is.
4. Hayley birthday was last weekend and she got tons of presents. Lucky little girl. She goes around the house and says now, “Mommy, is my birthday next week again? I want to get more presents. I love birthdays”. You think she is spoiled,lol!
3. Zane has been mumbling dada all week. I have been trying to say mama to him since he was born and all that comes out of his mouth is DA-DA!! I know he is not really saying it yet, but I would love mama to be the first words. My husband laughs everytime because I have been so religious trying to say mama. Go figure!
2. Hayley is not embarrased of passing gas. As much as we tell her that it is not proper for little girls, she insists on announcing it whenever she does it. Last weekend we went to the movies and she announces during a quiet scene in the movie, “Mommy, I farted”. I think I turned beat red!
1. Talking about movies, last weekend, we took Hayley to see Lion King. After every song she says, “Mommy, that is the greatest song”. She does this everytime a song ends. The whole audience came up to us after and said that they were so glad, Hayley loved the music. LOL.
So, what are your Saturday laughs?

Haha Ci does the "I farted" thing too. Although she has yet to do it in public yet. I am dreading that day!
I really think you should do a linky with this! I would love to read everyone else's laughs.
I love the movie ones! Thankfully the theater was dark when she announced her gas passing!! Claire does it to, "excuse me, I tooted (or burped – rather belched!)". I love the Hawaii thing, I want her to invite me! Good laughs for the week and you should absolutely do a link up
Haley is a trip! My daughter used to ignore her "toots" but since asking her to say 'excuse me' when others are around, she's now beginning to find humor with it. Not as much as my 17 year-old son when he was younger, though. Boys are worse. Seems like the little boys also need to define each one. His favorite was the SBD (silent but deadly).
I think we all openly or secretly wish for our babies to say mama first. It was definitely a competition in my home!
Happy Saturday, Mel!
Haley is a trip! My daughter used to ignore her "toots" but since asking her to say 'excuse me' when others are around, she's now beginning to find humor with it. Not as much as my 17 year-old son when he was younger, though. Boys are worse. Seems like the little boys also need to define each one. His favorite was the SBD (silent but deadly).
I think we all openly or secretly wish for our babies to say mama first. It was definitely a competition in my home!
Happy Saturday, Mel!
Haley is a trip! My daughter used to ignore her "toots" but since asking her to say 'excuse me' when others are around, she's now beginning to find humor with it. Not as much as my 17 year-old son when he was younger, though. Boys are worse. Seems like the little boys also need to define each one. His favorite was the SBD (silent but deadly).
I think we all openly or secretly wish for our babies to say mama first. It was definitely a competition in my home!
Happy Saturday, Mel!
Your post made me laugh Melissa! You have adorable children. Take care and I wish you all a great weekend.
HAHAHA! Melissa, that is so funny!! I have to admit, I'm like Hayley with the announcing part!!
I always love your stories about her!! So cute about Hawaii…she seems full of spunk and personality!!
I hope you're enjoying you weekend and the beautiful weather!!
Lots of love xoxo
I used to sing to ethan "I love Ethan and Ethan loves me. I love Ethan and Ethan Loves Mommy." Mommy was sad before Da-da. =) …… Unfortunately those weren't his first words.
When Ethan was trying to crawl/walk he bumped into the wall and said, "Oh Shit!" I couldn't believe it, but my husband and I couldn't stop laughing after that.
Mindy-the farting thing makes me laugh every time although embarrassing at the same time. Heather- if you'd met her, you would be invited! Kelli-sbd, too funny! How old is your daughter now? Hayls says excuse me too:) Judy/Maria-thanks so much for your nice sentiments:) I'm glad you enjoy reading them. Sara-oh shit, no way. Did you practically die?
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Saturday!
Your little girl has good taste! The Lion King has some amazing songs!! LOL at the other audience members!! My baby won't say mama either – dada all the time over here too! For some reason I can't stand the word farted so we use the word "tooted". Not looking forward to the announcements lol.
I LOVE your Saturday laughs!!
For Love of Cupcakes
This weekly post is always great!
I kind of wanted to take my girls to see The Lion King because I loved it so much, but we just haven't had a chance.
I don't think my baby's even thinking about talking yet! I hope Zane will listen to you and say mama first!
Hayls is too cute! Can I go to Hawaii with you too?
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Ha ha kids are so funny…and sounds like your little girl always has something cute to say.
I went to Hawaii on my honeymoon and loved it!
your post made me laugh. Kids are hysterical for sure!
Love the passing gas part! I have so many stories like that with my own kids! On Friday of this week, I was on the phone with a client, and my son opens my office/bedroom door and announces, "Mom, I have to go #2!" Luckily, I am the humorous sort, so his comment made for an amusing conversation…
I love that everyone came up to you after the movie LOL too funny!!! Your kids are just too cute…
So one thing that made me laugh this week even though I wanted to cry…. My 2 year old is in "big girl panties" she peed on the floor the other day, so I cleaned it up then used a towel to soak up the extra water… my daughter (about an hour later) picked up the towel squatted and peed in the same spot then replaced the towel… I could've sworn we had a puppy… too funny
Funny stuff!! Kids are wonderful!
Awe…how cute about the Lion King experience. I love the Lion King too…such a cute cartoon.
I'm stopping by from Say Hi Sunday.
I am now a new Google Connect Friend and would love if you stopped by my blog.
What does your husband call you? Maybe if he call you Mama in front of the kiddo he'll be more likely to pick it up?
Saying hi from the blog hop of the same name!
So cute! And what a great idea to write all these things down so you can look back on them later. I've been getting ready for a garage sale, and while going through things in storage, I found the baby books my mom kept where she wrote down the funny things I said when I was little. It's cool to be able to look back at those things you'd forget otherwise!
How cute- I think it's great that you are taking her with you- it will such an enjoyable experience for you all.
LOL… To funny…
I just hopped by to Say Hi Sunday!
Followed you on GFC
Hello I just want to Say Hi Sunday.. and I have follow you and hope you could return the favor here are my url:
I will be checking back and hop to the other blogs to say Hi as well.
See yeahh
Thanks everyone! These are my favorite posts to write:)
I think you should do a linky, too – it would be fun! And we all have things we want to tell about that our kids said.
For instance, today at church after the second worship song my daughter jumped up and yelled "All DONE!". So embarrassing. lol Everyone laughed though, thankfully people aren't uptight at our church. 
That is so adorable. I left some clothes on the floor of our kitchen last night for laundry. When my daughter came down with her dad, I heard her yell "Mommy, you left your boobies in the kitchen."
So cute! My little ones and my grandsons just love to get into burping contests! I have grandsons who are 9, 6, and 4 and my own are 8, 5, and 3. It gets a little crazy!
lol, kids say the cutest things!! Your kids are adorable
Ha! Love it. Theo (19 mos) said his first real sentence yesterday, and while it wasn't gut-busting funny, it made me smile and laugh. He said "I'm gonna sit down." We were looking out the window, watching his grandpa get the mail. He was upset, I said "he'll come back." Theo goes "back. come." Then sits on the windowsill (they're to the floor almost) and said "I'm gonna sit down." Too cute!
My daughter also farts all the time. She laughs, or says Eww gross!
Great laughs.. I love how little ones love their Birthday's. My little one Birthday is coming and she keeps asking about it.. I know why do the children go with Da Da first? I just do not get it.. Have a great Monday..
Bahahahahaha @ her passing gas! Too funny.