Hope you will join me in commenting on your childrens laughs from this week. Have a great weekend!
5. Zane eats everything! It is so funny because Hayley as a baby was such a picky eater and continues to be to this day. I am not used to this eating from a 5-month-old boy. I give him carrots, peas, avocados, sweet potatoes, cereal. He eats it all and then looks at me like he needs more!
4. This should come as no suprise because of #5 but he is in 12 month clothes. I went to try on his clothes for the fall and nothing fits. His onesies from 6-9 months look like they belong on a doll instead. So, off we go straight to the 12 month size. Seriously, you are 5 months! Slow down baby boy!
3. Hayley is developing into her own person. The other day we were playing the memory game and she declares, “Mommy, this game is too easy. I had enough”. Yes, she won 9/10 games. Parenthood has taken my memory skills away. Sad that a 3 year old can beat me!
2. Hayley “yells” at Zane all the time for crying when she is trying to nap. I constantly hear from her room, “Zane, please be quiet. I can’t sleep.” She tries covering her ears to sleep. Cracks me up!
1. All I have been hearing about the last few weeks is her birthday. Before she goes to sleep every night, she has to tell me, “Mommy, I need birthday balloons, birthday hats, birthday candles, birthday fire (I am assuming she means the candles), birthday cupcakes, birthday games.” I tell her that is fine, I will get it for her and leave the room. 3 minutes later she yells down, “Don’t forget my beautiful birthday dress and beautiful shoes”. Repeat this ritual everynight. You think she is excited for her birthday?
Now, your turn!
We love bdays around here. We are blessed with 6 children, so we try to make that day special!
Sounds like Hayley is going to keep you on your toes
To make you feel better-I just read (and I can not remember my source) that the reason pre-schoolers beat their parents in the game of memory is because the little ones are able to focus on the game and the game alone. Whereas adults have 1 000 000 different ideas floating around in their brains at any given moment. So take heart, you are smarter than you think!
She sounds like a girl with a plan. JDaniel was a happy eater just like your son.
I think your boy sounds similar to mine – we haven't really found much of anything he won't eat. And we had moved into size 12 months clothes by 6 months. He's slowed down a bit – but he's wearing size 18 months clothes and he'll be 9 months old next week!
And I love your girl's birthday excitement!
Some of my laughs from this week were posted last night (I know you already read the post though):
And mummy will require some birthday wine lol
Great list, oh and just think how much it'll cost to feed Zane when he's a teenager hehehe
Have a beautiful weekend Melissa xo
Blessed beyond Doubt- 6 kids, amazing!
Jennifer- that seems like good logical. I never though of it that way
euregirlsandboys- what a big boy!
Kerry- I am on the birthday wine right now,lol. Mommy's relaxing time.
To everyone- Thank you! Have a fabulous weekend!
Your kids are so adorable. I love reading these posts every Saturday!
Thanks so much Amber! These are actually my favorite posts to write all week!
That's so funny that she beats you at the memory game and tried to get her brother to be quiet so she can sleep. She sounds much older than she is!
These are so cute, I really enjoyed reading them. My son likes to ask me if the email man has came yet when I'm on my computer, lol.
1 of the things that makes me laugh most is when my 2 year old does something mean (like hits) and then one of her sisters will do the same thing back. She promptly hits them back and says "Don't do dat eva again" She gets to mad… makes me laugh. I have to try to cover it up though. As soon as I gain my composure, I tell her not to hit.
I also love when my children (all of them) take time out from a huge fit to use their manners. My daughter will be screaming at the top of her lungs and still make sure she says please or thank you
How about this one… I especially love when i have just folded a huge amount of laundry and my children decide to "help out" by unfolding it all. This is one of those laugh or cry moments, so I try to laugh
Hope I made you smile!
mine are the same way – Lulu would rather not eat at all and Bubba eats everything in sight! now that he is older and eating her food, she has begun eating a little faster now!
good morning! great stuff!
hahaha that is so cute! She sounds like she has quite the personality
I wonder if my little boy will "yell" at the new baby when it gets here too.. he already "yells" at his daddy if hes being to loud while hes trying to sleep haha
New follower from the QT hop! Your kids are adorable! Would love it if you'd come check out my page too!
It's wonderful when the kids are old enough to pick out a birthday theme. Out of four kids I had two that were picky eaters and two that ate everything we offered. It's awesome when you don't have to worry what to fix for their meal.
New follower from the Say Hi Sunday Hop. Hope you stop over for a visit and follow if you like.
Playing Blog hop tag YOUR IT! Tag me back at:
http://my-bloggityblog.blogspot.com/ and on facbook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bloggity-Blog/260564090644111
Thanks Kim
How cute! My daughter is the same way and just turned 10 yesterday. We've been talking about her birthday for 2 months. Her party isn't until next Saturday, so I guess I have one more week to go haha.
Following from voiceBoks Grow Your GFC Hop =)
Spilled Milkshake
I always lose the memory game too – sounds like you've got all the important memories down though:-)
Hop'in by from 'Sunday Funday Hippidy Blog Hop'. I'm following your blog now, wont you please come and follow me back?? ~KM
Krafty Max Originals
Oh I love your Saturday laughs! I sometimes want to say the same things to my LO as Haylee when I'm trying to sleep! That is so cute that she is so excited for her birthday!! :o) And WOAH 12 months already!! What a healthy boy!!
Thanks for your comment – I love the idea of knocking down towers for a laugh!
Thanks everyone! These all made me laugh!
Shelley: she started talking at 1. She has NEVER stopped since!
Megan-too cute. My daughter asks me if I am on fb.
Grumpyjaxmomof3: These are so good. Ever think of starting your own Saturday laughs.
Working mommy: sounds similar,lol
Mave:you have a great morning too
Brittany:be prepared,lol
Hope the weekend was great!
I love this, I will definitely participate next Saturday! I cannot wait til Cecilia is that excited for her birthday, maybe next year when she turns 3! She did ask me last night before bedtime when we usually sing one or two songs if she could sing the "Birthday" song. When I asked her who's birthday it is, she said "CiCi'S!"
Those were wonderful!! Thanks for the smile on this rainy Monday morning (yes, I'm two days behind, but what's new!!)
Hahaha aww "birthday fire" how cute!! I was cracking up that she yells at Zane to "please be quiet"…so polite!!
When my husband won't stop snoring I start w a few "pleases" and then end up yelling and giving a few gentle kicks lol
Hope your weekend was a wonderful one!!
your kids are just adorable! love kids who are little chunky monkeys. and your daughter is a smartie – she knows how to ask for what she wants.
My boy's always loved there food too,made me laugh the bit about covering her ears when Zane is crying
"Birthday fire" – LOL!! Too funny!
These are so funny! Hayley is a spitfire, I love it! These will be great to look back on and show them later!
P.S. I have awarded you the "Blog on Fire" award. You can find the details here: