We take plenty of family vacations together but I am curious to see how many ever vacation without their children. From the time Hayley was a baby, my husband and I have traveled alone without her .We embarked on our first vacation when she was eleven months old on a cruise for a total of seven days and then again when she was almost two, to Hawaii for ten days. Subsequently after the Hawaii trip, I came back with a souvenir. Nine months later Zane was born.
Now, we are set to sail on a cruise this Sunday. I am beginning to get nervous. We have excellent child care for my kids- my wonderful parents! My mom and dad offered to take both kids and watch them in their NJ house. However, there is two of them now!
I,honestly, at times, have a hard time with both of them. Zane is a wonderful baby but he is still a baby. He eats every 3 hours, doesn’t nap very well, and doesn’t consistently sleep through the night ( he is teething now so STTN has gone out the window temporarily). Couple that with my rambunctious two year old, and I fear for my parents.
Yes, I know, everyone says ,” Well, they raised you so they know how to take care of the kids”. I do know this but I also know that they are a lot older now and not as physically apt to run after a toddler and simultaneously deal with an infant. My dad also works long hours so he is not home much before the kids have to go to bed. The two children together are a lot of work!
When speaking to my mom, she completely offered to take the kids. She is the one who told us to go on the cruise. She is completely enthralled with her grandchildren. She as well as my dad are very excited since they do not get to see the kids on a regular basis. I know that they will do a wonderful job! They are excellent parents to me and love their grandchildren more than words can say!
Yet, I am still scared. Not at all for them actually watching the kids, rather scared for them to feel completely overwhelmed with two. So tell me, your thoughts? Am I being crazy for leaving two especially when the youngest is only five months. Be honest…
I am the same way. My husband and I have only been on ome mini vacation one time in almost 4 years and that happened last fall, we were only gone 3 days and 2 nights. We left the boys (at the time 2 yrs. and the other 9 months old) with his mom. I know she is very capable of caring for them, she is in good health but I always worry anytime I leave my kids with anyone. I leave my boys alot with my grandma for an hour while I go to the gym and I always have my phone right in front of me just in case. I think it's only natural to worry and feel that way. Plus my kids are always so much better for Grandma and Nino than me. Your not crazy! At least one is still stationary and not running all over the place;)
You sound just like me before I left for Ireland. See this old post on AMKB: http://amomknowsbest.com/2011/06/anxiety-about-leaving-your-kids/ So TOTALLY a normal feeling! And everything went fine for us (and it will for you too)!
I think it's only natural for you to worry or feel as if your putting too much on your mom's shoulders. It will be okay, though! It sounds like you deserve some time to yourself, too! Try not to worry – and enjoy your time! You may be coming back with another souvenir, no?
I don't think you are crazy for leaving them OR for having these feelings!! We have only left my son for one night at a time, and we worry. He also stays with my parents and we are very lucky for that! But I think it is just natural to worry, "is he sleeping ok?" "i hope he isn't fussy," etcetc. Everything will be A-Ok though, and you will have a blast on your trip!!
Thanks guys! I love hearing other peoples thoughts on this matter. Reassures me that I am not being crazy! I'm so looking forward to it. I need the break but in the same token, I can't get passed that jittery feeling. Txs. And Stephanie, bite your tongue,lol.
We have yet to take a vacation without the kids. They are now 15 months, but they are a lot of work and even though our parents (both sets) would probably be more then happy to do it, I get a little worried thinking about how much work it is day in and day out rather then just a few hours here and there. Have fun on your vacation though!!!
We have traveled without our little ones since my son was about one. We've only done it like once every year, sometimes for a week, sometimes for only a couple days. This year we did it at the beginning and we are also doing it next month for a babymoon. My son is now 5 and my daughter will be 3. I think its more about the fact that you will miss them and this feeling from being away from them. At least it is for me. My daughter had some struggles as a baby, not sleeping as well and some eating issues with her GRD, so I know the feeling of being concerned about that. I dunno, that's just me. But I don't know that even if it was my clone taking care of them that I wouldn't worry, LOL
while I understand your worries/concerns- I think some time with just you and your husband, sans kids, is amazing and the fact that your parents have offered to take up childcare while y'all are away is equally awesome! I am certain that your parents will be able to handle whatever is thrown their way and if they can't, they know how to contact you
enjoy your vacation m'am and try not to think about it too much! <3
I'm not a mama yet, but I don't think you're crazy one bit!! So wonderful that your parents are so involved and want to help. You deserve it…enjoy your trip and live it up!! Knowing they are in amazing hands will make your trip that much more enjoyable!
Ps-thank you so much for your vote!
Happy Monday and happy cruising!
Not at all. I would feel nervous about leaving my kids with someone even if they offered and they know what they are doing. The first time we left Aiden was when we had a wedding to go to down in NC. I was a wreck because 2 weekends before I spent the night without him for a bachelorette party, the following weekend we spent one night away from him, but on the other side of the state and now the 3rd weekend in a row I was not going to be able to see my little man. The weekend did go by fast and the activities did keep me preoccupied, but the minute we had down time I wondered. I'm sure you'll do great and call as often as you need to for check in if it makes you feel better.
I know youll miss them and youll worry but honestly, if I had the opportunity I would go for some alone time with Hubs. You are not crazy!
Our daughters' names rhyme.
This is so timely for me. I'm surprising my hubby with a 2-night trip to Vegas for his 30th birthday. I live far from family, so my mom is flying out to watch my little guy, who is 11 months old. I always knew I'd be one who would want to take the occasional trip without the kid(s), but now that it's coming up in a couple weeks, I'm starting to get a little sad and am feeling a little guilty about it. I worry about my mom taking care of him on her own. He can be a handful, so I'm hoping she won't get overwhelmed. And he's suddenly going through a separation anxiety phase, after being the most laid back baby for the first 10.5 months of his life!
Anyway, all this to say that I understand how you feel. Let's make a deal – I'll go and relax and have a good time if you'll do the same.
(Found you on TAT! Will follow as soon as my computer stops acting up, ha.)
Thanks everyone for all your comments. It really does make me feel better! Z was up 4 times last night so I just worry for my mom. She keeps telling me she will be fine.
You're supposed to be nervous–you're a mom! I'm sure your husband is telling you everything will be fine–he's right. Go, enjoy, have fun, focus on your relationship with your husband, and when you come back, hug and squeeze your kids.
New follower here. I found you on a twitter hop. I will follow you in twitter too. I'm @DeniseLillaRose. I hope you will take a moment to stop by my blog and check out my kind of fashion (hair jewelry). I'm not just trying to gain followers with hopping, I'm trying to spread the word about a product I love. Here's my url http://talesfrommyjournal.blogspot.com I also have a facebook page which is http://www.facebook.com/DeniseMartin.LillaRose I hope you can stop by there as well. It's the fastest way to hear about specials. Let me know if you have a facebook page too so I can return the favor. Beautiful children and I love their names!
GO!!! Have fun! Be thankful you have wonderful family members to take care of your kids and give you this wonderful gift…
You'd be surprised at how much your mom will be able to do. When I take mine back to my parents' house, my mom is always the one who deals with both of them – even though my dad does help some, it isn't nearly as much as what my mom does. Lulu just turned 2 in July and Bubba was 8 months on Saturday…and she does an exceptional job! They will be fine I'm sure.
Have a fabulous trip! I'm sure they'll do great.
You'll have a blast! *I* would have a hard time leaving my kids behind! Mine are a little older though…I have so much fun bringing them! LOL New follower from Bounce!
Thanks everyone! T minus 5 days!
i think its great you are able to! not everyone gets the chance to do a trip like that without chillins in tow. enjoy! cheers. *new follower*
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