I was asked to be a guest blogger to talk about what I know best, dentistry. This particular article was about how to get your little one to brush their teeth and some things you should not do in dealing with brushing. I was more than happy to oblige since I love giving helpful information whenever I can. If anyone has any questions regarding kids and dentistry, please feel free to email,twiiter,fb me. I will try to help if I can.
Awesome tips! I am going t try the washcloth with my daughter, she is 10 months and has 4 teeth and 2 more on the way….:)
I've been trying the washcloth thing with my son, but he clamps his mouth shut and just stares at me. He's 8 months and already stubborn. I am in trouble…
But I bet if I brought him to the mirror that would help!! He's always got a huge grin on his face when he looks at himself. That is a great tip!!
oh my!! thank you for this post!
my girls love brushing their teeth on their own (of course, they are 2….they want to do EVERYTHING on their own) but fuss when we try to help. i'll definitely try these tips.
i do have a question, though…when do you start taking kids to the dentist? when should we schedule their first cleaning?
Thanks! Washcloth is a great idea. Definately try the mirror. Jill, I usually suggest between 2_3 barring any problems. Hope this helps!
Thanks so much for posting. My post today was about my daughter enjoying brushing her teeth!! Glad I stopped by. Great article!
Newest follower! :O)
Thanks for the great tips. We are trying hard to make this an early habit for our son. it is hard work but he is getting better.
Thanks for the follow, I am glad to follow you back! Great tips for the teeth brushing. The hardest thing is not to forget to brush my son's teeth. He is getting better at reminding me about it. Can't wait to read more!!
Hi! I'm stopping by from the Super Stalker Sunday Hop! Thanks so much for linking up with us and stalking around!
Be sure to come join us again next Sunday for a fun filled day of stalking! =D
Kortney's Krazy Life
Hi Thank you so much for Linking up to Whatever Wednesday!! And thanks for the retweet! :o)
For Love of Cupcakes
Hi there! Thanks for the follow from the Monday Mingle. I'm now following and enjoyed reading your dental post. Coincidentally, today I just went to the pharmacy to stock up on toothbrushes for my 3 kids and Agent Cool Blue to see if that made toothbrushing more interesting for our 3 year old. I was glad to see his teeth were actually quite clean even prior to brushing, which tells me, we as parents are doing okay!
I look forward to reading more.
awesome tips! Love how you spanned from infants & beyond. My oldest (5yrs old) wants to brush w/o anyone watching & I refuse to let her. I do not trust she will be thorough – nice to know I'm doing the right thing & not just being overprotective. I let them brush then I go over it to ensure all parts were reached
As the daughter of a dentist and a dental hygienist I appreciate all input for proper teeth brushing in kids! I let my son brush his teeth first and then "check" them for cavities. As much as I know about proper dental care we have had our struggles. I'm kinda new to blogging but if you would like to follow mine I would appreciate it http://www.bananaandbubby.com/ I have about a bazillion posts started but just need to find the time to finish them