I am starting a new feature on my blog called the Saturday’s Top Five Laughs. Basically, we all enjoy watching our kids do/say funny things. It is the weekend so lets have some fun. Please tell me your funny moments from this week. I love reading them.
#5: Zane is starting to roll. He will do the side roll and then look at me with those puppy dogs eyes to help him. What I really think he is saying with his eyes is ” Mommy, I am way too chubby to being doing this by myself”.
#4: I told my readers last week that Hayley wanted to buy her daddy a real horse for his birthday. I told her that probably wasn’t going to happen because we don’t have room. Her reply was ” Yes, mommy, we have room. We will let the horse sleep in Zane’s crib”.
#3: I went to get Hayley this week to go to the beach. As I was getting her up and ready, she proclaims, “Mommy, that is a brilliant idea to go to the beach”. Cracks me up- she is 2 going on 10.
#2: Hayley really loves her brother. The other day I was there and she was hugging him a little too tightly. I told her we need to hug him more gently and she then proceeds to tell me that he will be okay because he is a very strong boy.
#1: On our beach trip, Hayley was digging in the sand. I asked her what she was digging for and she says, “I think I can find dinosaur remains”. I told her to keep digging….
Now, your turn…
Haha this is such a cute post! Love that Hayley was going to put the pony in Zanes room! Too cute!
Haha, thanks!
LOL! This is such an adorable post. I love this. I'm so looking forward to that stage when my daughter gets there. I love #4!
Very cute! Kids are the source of most of our entertainment aren't they
I will have to start documenting the funny things my kids do because by the end of the week I won't remember them to comment here lol
Have a great weekend!!
I actually laughed out loud!
I'm a teacher and have thought about starting a greeting card business with the things I hear from then children's mouths. Want to join?
Txs! Kerry, write them down and come join me next saturday. I love reading them. Jet, anytime my friend, anytime!!
Those are great! I really enjoy these posts! We have been working on potty training with my daughter and she loves to sit on the potty. Earlier this week I took her in the bathroom so she could sit and as we were leaving she said, "Bye Bye poo poo."
Kim, lol. Can she teach my daughter to say that. She's terrified of pooping on the potty.
You have a blog I enjoy reading and I would like to award you the Versatile Blogger Award. Please read the details here: http://adventureswithbubbles4.blogspot.com/2011/08/weekend-and-my-first-award.html
Thanks Christina very much!! I will mention you in my next post. Very appreciated! Follow me on twitter @dentistmel. Txs again!
Thank you for the follow – I'm going to enjoy the follow back. And if you have any inclination for discussing dentistry and special needs together – since you were volunteering:-) Those two have an uneasy relationship. I know the perfect place to discuss that.
Oh, see, this is why I need to write down more of what my kids say…because when they say it, I'm sure I'll hold that little memory forever. Turns out, it's hard to hold it even for a week.
Nice meeting you!
Hello! I'm following you from the Sunday Social Follow blog hop. Would love for you to stop by and follow back, whenever you get the chance! Hope you have a good rest of the week! (:
Amber @ Beautifully BellaFaith
Yes, start writing them down. Stacie, I deal with many special needs kids. Lmk if you ever want to collaborate. Txs.
Too cute! Love the idea of the pony in the crib
Great meme you have … now to follow you on twitter so that i don't forget about it!
Haha you have an archeologist on your hands! My nine year old insists that while he wants to be an archeologist when he grows ups he's "staying out of Egypt – they say the curses aren't real, but I'm not taking any chances."
I couldn't stop giggling. Thanks for sharing. Following back from Get Connected Tuesday Blog Hop. Thanks for linking up.