Why, yes I am a babywearer! 3 years ago when I was registering for Hayley’s baby shower, I would have laughed if I heard myself say I was going to babywear. I scanned the aisle with the carriers and thought for a split second to register for one and then went on to the next aisle. I simply thought I would put Hayley in a good stroller and off we would go!
Boy, I couldn’t have been more wrong. From the time she came home from the hospital, she hated being confined by anything with straps. You can imagine my fun in the car! I tried every possible stroller but she hated it. She would thrash around profusively and scream bloody murder. I’ll never forget those stares from people when I tried using a stroller. It just wasn’t happening!
So, then I decided maybe I should try out a baby carrier. Hayley instantly took to almost all the carriers but me on the other hand, hated it! I, personally, didn’t feel secure with some of the carriers and others I ended up having to take a nightly aspirin for the severe back pain. I ended up baby wearing for a few months(soothed her completely) but then I gave up on it and suffered thru holding her most of the day. It was better than the constant back pains.
Then Zane came along. I really wanted to try to babywearing again especially because it was hard to play with my toddler when I was carrying around my little guy all day. Well after a couple of years of searching, 5 different carriers bought, and more than $400 dollars spent on carriers, I found my love- The ERGO! I just wish I knew about it sooner!
So, people ask me all the time, why I love the ergo! Plain and simple it is awesome! It is extremely easy to use, light weight, comfortable, and functional. It is also very versatile in the ways you can wear the child in it. The design of the ergo with the padded straps and the nice waistband allows the weight to be distributed around the shoulders and the hip. Goodbye back pain!
I will honestly say I wore Zane in the ergo the first few months a couple hours a day. In the beginning we used the infant insert and after time, I had enough strenth to wear him without the insert. I ate, read, and went for my daily walks with him in it. He happily went to sleep in it for hours. He loves it and it makes life so easy to deal with a 2 year old and continuing our routine without a crying infant in the background. In the beginning, I used it for around 6-7 hours a day (no, I am not exaggerating). It was perfect! Now, that he is beginning to transition to his crib for naps, I have used it slightly less but I still use it daily! People in the store marvel at our system. Hayley is finally loving the stroller (yes, it only took her 2.5 years) and Zane sits in my ergo cuddled up close to me. We stroll all over like this!
So, for the new moms out there, the Ergo gets a 5 out of 5 for me! The ergo might not be for you and that is fine. However, I would definitely suggest trying out babywearing. Maybe you won’t like it and again that is fine! You have to do what is right for you and I would never judge. But, you might realize how much you do love it if you give it a chance. How easy it will make your life and how much you enjoy the cuddling experience!
Yay for finding something that worked for the both of you!
Nathan hated all carriers, which meant I had to carry him around the house. At least he liked his stroller!
Hi there! I'm stopping by from the hop and just wanted to let you know that I am your newest follower (GFC).
I love the pictures! Your little ones are so adorable. I feel the same way about becoming a "baby wearer". If you asked me before my son was born, I'd have told you that you were crazy. But it just makes things so much more EASIER, doesn't it? ESPECIALLY if you have more than one cutie pie, I'd imagine!
I'd love it if you could take the time to follow me back at http://gumdroppass.blogspot.com
I look forward to hearing/reading more from you!
I am so excited about trying out babywearing…did you have any experience with the wraps or ring slings? if so, what about them did you like and didn't like?
I'm always "thirsty" for more information on things like that! I'm glad you actually made a complete post about it!
I ALWAYS recommend the ergo. We haven't used our bjorn in months. The ergo rocks!
New follower from the hop. I'm so impressed that you can make part-time dentist work. Trying to see if I can do the same as a part-time lawyer…
Love, love the Ergo. I think my last little one has just about outgrown the need to be worn, so I am bidding my babywearing days goodbye. I just love that feeling and I will miss it.
Awh!That is just adorable!My babies are 18 and 27 months, but I plan on baby wearing the next time I have a little bean!
Im a new follower via the hope and would love if you follow back and we become bloggy friends
Have a lovely day,
Thanks for sharing .. I will have to try it out, it may make my life easier!
Newest follower from blog hop. Hope you will follow back!
new follower! and new mom! i've been wanting to try babywearing but i was afraid to until he's bigger – he's about 12 weeks. all the ones i find say like 15 pounds and up! I'll have to try this one out though! thanks!
would love it if you'd follow my new blog!
I hear Ergos are amazing! Next time I have a baby I'm definitely getting a Moby wrap AT LEAST!!
I use Babybjorn it works well for us but I have read very good review of Ergo.
Newest follwer from the hop!.
Have a great weekend
Finding a good carrier is so key.
I use a Kangaroo cloth wrap, which is great for a quick trip to the grocery, and also a Mountain Equipment Co-op back-pack-style frame carrier, which is amazing for longer trips.
Following from the blog hop! I don't know how I have never heard of the ERGO. I wish I'd had known about this 4 months ago.
I am a new follower from Bee Friendly Friday. Actually I am the new co host for it. My oldest hated to be worn but my youngest loved it. It was the best thing in the world. I felt like I got more accomplished.
Lacey-I never really liked ring slings. No matter how much instruction I had, I never felt secure with the baby in it. I didn't feel comfortable going hands free with them. Again, my personal opinion. I do love the moby but I feel like they have a shorter lifespan as the kids outgrow them more easily.
Christina-the ergo is good from day one. No weight minimum. Just use the insert with it.
Jamie-my moby was awesome in the beginning
And thanks for everyone else's comments. I love reading them!!
Thanks for linking up with me at "the perfect line". As a small token of appreciation, I'm showing casing all my new found friends. Please stop by my place this Saturday for a Friends' Meetup Party where I will be linking up with you and a featured blogger. Hope you grace my space and drop in a smile!
Happy Blogging!
the perfect line
P.S. Following you back!
I love my Ergo. I wish I would have gotten this before I was pregnant. I had a baby with infant acid reflux and it would have been a huge help for the time being. Although it wasn't too late to try babywearing right now so my my brother got me one. My daughter loves it and I plan to use this for the next baby.
I definitely agree with you, Ergo gets a 5 out of 5 from me too. 
Wow your baby has soooo much hair! Too cute! Hi! I'm your latest follower. Nice to meet you. Hope you find time to stop by me too & follow! Have a great weekend.
I have a Slingling. I do not wear it often, because to get him around the house, I have a rolling bassinet and then I just pick him up out of that (it's easier as a disabled momma) But, Josh has a sling that he wears Isaac in when we go out. Everyone loves it!
Hello! Newest follower from the Say Hi Sunday Hop… would love for you to consider following me back! xo Malia
Thank you for posting this Ergo review! We had been researching different carriers, and I think this is the one we'll end up registering for! New follower on GFC! http://flowerhazard.com