1. First, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for following my blog and showing support. I very recently started blogging and I got up to 255 followers in a matter of a few weeks! It makes it all worth it to see people following and especially commenting. I love hearing what people think of my posts and I also love to read all the wonderful bloggers that I came across in the last few weeks! So, one big cummulative THANK YOU!!
2. I have been asked by a few people, where my blog button is? The answer is I don’t have one yet because I hired a woman to revamp my blog but she is on maternity leave. I really wanted her to do it so I am waiting patiently. My blog revamp will be completed by the end of September and I can’t wait!! Meanwhile, please follow me on twitter and fb. My buttons are on the side, so click and follow:)
3. When my blog gets revamped, I will be PR ready! In the meantime, if you are a business whether a general business, etsy shop, etc, please let me know if you would like me to do a review/giveaway. Please email me at dentistmel at hotmail dot com if you are interested. My next review/giveaway will be the week of September 8. I will be reviewing a wonderful book series and I will be doing a giveaway for a wonderful childrens’ book to one lucky reader.
4. I also have to give special thanks to http://adventureswithbubbles4.blogspot.com/ for giving me another versatile award for blogging. This is my second one so it is greatly appreciated!
5. I am going to be away the week of August 29 till after Labor Day from my blog. I have lined up 4-5 awesome guest bloggers. They have submitted me their posts and I have to say they are awesome!!! Seriously awesome! They are going to talk about pregnancy, childrens’ books, dealing with food struggles with young ones, as well as other topics. Please show them some love! They worked hard to make my blog up and running during the 9 days I am gone.
6. I get a lot of comments asking me why I don’t blog more about dentistry since I am a kids’ dentist. The reason is I like to keep my blog separate from my career in dentistry. I will be doing some posts on the topic but not many. If you want me to be a guest blogger on the topic though, feel free to contact me. Also, any questions are always welcome.
THANKS for all that entered the makeup contest. I will do another one again soon so no worries if you didn’t win this time! AND NOW THE WINNER OF THE 100 DOLLAR MAKEUP CONTEST per Random.Org, IS: MAMA LUVS BOOKS!!!! CONGRATS!!
Yay! Your site ROCKS! And so does Make-Up by Shara!!!!
Thank you!! You are a lucky girl!
Hi! Found you on Mingle Monday.
New follower. Hope your Monday is off to a great start. 