One of our nightly routines everyday is to read books. We are a huge reading family and love all types of books. When I got the chance to review the new Rockin’ Babies book by Dr. Jenn Berman and Cynthia Weil, I jumped at the chance! This book is unlike most baby books we read as there is no traditional pictures, but rather exciting babies being “Rockstars”.
Whether being hounded by the paparazzi (parents with cameras) or mobbed by fans (cheek-pinching relatives), every baby is a rock star! In Rockin‘ Babies, Dr. Jenn Berman and Cynthia Weil re-imagine the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle in child-friendly fashion. Galia Bernstein’s colorful illustrations, complete this charming book. Perfect for cool parents and hip babies.
It tells the story of how babies are their parent’s own “Rockstars”. For example, don’t we all take tons of pictures of our little rockstar babies all the time- it is almost as if they are paparazzi. In the book, it shows on one page the Rockin’ Babies being hounded by the paparazzi -also known as parents taking tons of pictures with various cell phones. Another page is the Rockin’ Babies Going on tour- also known as taking your kids on an awesome stroller ride. Each page features different rockstars.
The book is colorful and is a perfect sized book to carry in your purse with you where you go. I can assure you, your kids would LOVE this book! The best of all, this book is only $7.95 on Amazon so it is very affordable. It is also a hard board book so your kids won’t rip it apart. Each page is only a few words so it is a very easy book to read. We actually read this book several times a night because the kids love it so much!
Some information about the authors:
Co-authors, CYNTHIA WEIL and DR. JENN BERMAN are mother and daughter and best friends. Dr. Jenn, the original rockin’ baby, is now a shrink, mom, TV and radio personality, and the author of two best selling parenting books, including SuperBaby (Sterling Publishing Co. Inc 2010). Cynthia Weil is the rockin’ Grammy winning lyricist of classic songs like You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling and Somewhere Out There. Check the writers out on their web sites: and
GIVEAWAY: Along with the wonderful book, Rockin’ Babies, one winner will also receive all the following. This giveaway is almost $200 in products so make sure you enter.
1 pack Silly Bandz RockBandz shapes
2 bottles Piggy Paint nail polish
1 Rockin Green laundry and cloth diaper detergent sample
1 pair Sourpuss skull and cross bones socks
1 Highlights High Five Magazine
1 set of 3 Delta Adjustable “Grow with Me” Hangers
Happy Baby Puffs and coupons
- 2 non-toxic Rockin’ Babies Tattoos
- 1 Rockabye Baby CD
- 1 DVD of Baby Signing Time!
- 1 CD of Signing Time! Volume 1-3
- 1 box Trumpettes socks (6 pairs!)
- 1 pair Baby Banz sunglasses
- 1 full size package of Boogie Wipes, two mini samples, a Boogie plush toy and coupons
- 2 pairs My Little Legs
- 1 Personalized Pacifier with a saying like “Rock On,” “Rock Star,” “Rock On,” and others
To enter simply fill out the rafflecopter below (click continue reading to see the actual giveaway). The only mandatory entry is to tell me what is the age of your child you want to win this for in the comment section proceeding this post. While the other entries are optional, I highly suggest you fill it out to increase your chancing of winning. US only. Good luck!
*I received the above products above for review purposes. As always, all my opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.
My daughter is 2 but would also love this for my 5 year old Bruce.
15 months
Ummm 19? Sorry that’s my baby!
My kiddo is 4 (he LOVES music and dancing) but my other ‘baby’ that would love it eventually is 3 months old
My son is 3 mouths!
My youngest is 2 years old. I would love to win these for him.
1 year and 5 months
She is one year old.
My girl is 5 and this would be great for her. She loves to sing!
My daughter is 19 months.
My daughter is 3yrs old
6 months
I have an 11 month old daughter and 3 year old son that I would love this for!
She’s 2!
My 9yo son would love the Piggy Paints! He’s my rockstar!
my granddaughter
My child is going to be born in 2 weeks
and i’d want some of the things in this swag for him and some for my nephew and nieces who are toddlers
my boys are 2 and 4 and we love books!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My daughters are too old for this, but I would like to win this for my grandkids who are 5 and 10.
I don’t have any babies but I would give it to a friend’s baby if I won.
my daughter is 5 and my son is 3
My baby is 15 months old.
almost 4
10 Months!
my 2 year old daughter!!
My baby bugs shes 4
I would split it between my three year old and one year old
Hmm….probably any one of my three kids ages, 5, 3 and 20 months or the one due in January!
Mt grandkids are ages 2-12.
2 yr old son!
3 yrs old
the baby is due sept 25th 2012 , i want and need this really bad
My youngest children who are 6,4&2.
Thanks for the chance.
5 months old!
2 years old.
my son is about to be 2 in 2 months
I have a 3yr old and 6 month old!
My daughter is almost 11 months old and this would be for her!
2yrs old
It would be shared between my two sons who are aged 3 and 13 months
2 year old son.
my baby is almost 4 months old.
My nephew is 16 months
For my grandbaby. She is only 1 month old buf will grow fast.
FB fan as Kathy Newsom Davis
I would split this between three grandchildren, ages 1 yr., 3 1/2 yrs. & 5 yrs. of age.
blog button;
I have 2.. a 4 year old and a 2 week old.
I would probably use most of it for my niece who is one right now…two in April.
MY son is 4 and hell share it with his cousins 2, 4, 6.
My boys are 4 and 2. Their baby sister should be here one day this week I hope.
my girl is 4, my niece is 6 mos
She is 1.
He is 1
hubby’s granddaughters are 4, 2 1/2 and 10 months.
Her age is 4. She’d love this!
Lily is 13 months!
ella is 5. she rocks!
My Niece is 1 years old!
I left a comment at Wordless Wednesday-We will Never Forget
Grandson who just turned 4
A 3 & 5 yr old
I have 3 granddaughters-6, 2, 18 months.
I would like to win this for my niece for Christmas who is 8 months old now. Thank you
He is two and LOVES music
I have a one and a half year old and a four year old that would share it.
2 years old
I would make my 11 month old, 2 year old, 4 year old & 5 year old share the prizes.
My kids are 16 months apart. they would both love this. 2 years and 1 year old
14 months!
My daughteris 18mnths
Fourteen months
He’s two
i would love to win this for my 18 month old daughter
My “baby” is 9 months old. She’s not much of a baby anymore since she’s up and walking. She’s growing up too fast for me!
nephew 2 niece 3
2 y.o.
my little man is 2!
tuckersaver at hotmail dot com
7 months!
Perfect for my 2 year old girl!
10 months old.
6 months
My son is 8 months.
My son is 14 months old
My 2 year old son and one more on the way!
My 19 month old.
4 year old god daughter
3 Year Old Nephew
Cutest ever 30 month old niece.
she is 13 months!
I want to win this for my niece who is 2.
2 years old
My daughter is just brand new (4 weeks), but I’d share the stuff geared for older children with my friends’ kids.
I have two grandchildren who live with me. One is 9 months and the other 30 months
My girls, 2 and 7! :o)
He is 2!!!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
my 2 year old daughter and 3 year old son.
he just turned two in july
4 years old!
Thanks for the chance.
My son is 4-months-old, but I would love to give the Piggy Paint to my sister’s girls, ages 10, 5, and 18 months.
2 year old
vmkids3 at msn dot com
My daughter is 2.
A 2 year old
It’s actually for my niece who is 6 months
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (
Dorie is 3.5.
our son is 3
My baby is due early 2013.
I’ve got a new girl on the way in Nov and a two year old… that will love all this stuff
I have a 2 yr old & a 7 month old!! They both would love!!
10 months
My kids are 3 & 4 and WOULD love this. Thanks for the chance to win.
My son is 3. My daughter is 6 months
Colin is 20 months old!
My youngest is 2, but I have a friend who just had a baby, and he’s 6 weeks!
6 years old
Charlie is 17 months and Logan is almost 3! Dancing is always happening
My kids are 4 and 6
My 8 month old!
My daughter is 2
My oldest is a 2 year old girl.
My daughter is 9 months and son is almost 3
My daughter who is 4
My niece who is 3!
my son is 2
My nephew who is 4!