*You are warned – this will be long!*
Blogher12 was probably one of the amazing experiences I have ever had. While it was amazing, it was also completely surreal. My journey to #Blogher12 started in January when I decided I would attend. I have been to millions of dental conferences but never a blogger conference. I was nervous..I was excited… I was anxious! Thankfully, I have an awesome group core of Rhode Island bloggers, and more than that friends, who all decided to go and cheer each other on while there. I will admit that I was nervous but these girls helped to alleviate my fear of meeting bloggers and companies who I have worked with and respect to the Nth degree! So I need to do a special should out to my Rhode Island Bloggers: Elizabeth from Learning to Juggle, Jessica from 30 Something Mother Runner, Liza from Ciras Lyrics, Sarah from Sweet Lil You, Megan from A Baby Makes Four, Jen from Keekoin, Kameron from A Wrinkle in Time, Joanna from A Baby Gator’s Den, Candice from The New Modern Mom, Melissa G. from Filling Our Buckets, Sarah from Soxys Diamond, Jodi from BlushMamas, Elizabeth from Documama, Catherine from Twins with Tots, and Audrey from Mom Generations.
I headed down on Wednesday August 1 to NYC and took a half day off of work. I had full intentions to leave Thursday am but then I got invited to the Mom Central and Children’s Place Party. Since I absolutely love working with both of these companies, I ended up taking a train in the day before to attend. I rode the train with Judy from Crunchy Metro Mom. I met her through a Facebook group and she totally rocks! While I did have some blogging work to do on the train, we still had an awesome time.
I arrived in NYC right in time for the Children’s Place Party. I had a fantastic time and really enjoyed seeing the new fall line. For those of you who love the Children’s Place, you will not be disappointed with the fall line. They have a lot of glitter and leopard prints, which I love! I also was extremely nervous, as well as excited, to meet the rep who I work with all the time. The rep from the Children’s Place is one of my favorites and we talk all the time on email, so it was all so exciting to me!
After I finished up at the Children’s Place, I headed to the Mom Central Party. Again, I was so nervous and excited because I love and respect the company so much. They had an awesome rooftop location and it was really such a fun party! They also have the best people who worked with them who are so unbelievable personable! I could have stayed there hours talking to them and other bloggers. Fantastic company!! Thanks for having me!
Wednesday wrapped up and I ended up sleeping over my best friends apartment in the city. Bright and early Thursday am, I met with another favorite company that I work with a lot, Social Fabric, at a Starbucks near the hotel. I ended up running into the people who are in charge of SF, all the time throughout the conference. I hope if they are reading this, they know I was no stalking them,lol! We just ended up at the same parties at the same time. I am so proud to be part of such a great community and am thankful to be involved with awesome campaigns with them.
I then proceeded to go to an amazing brunch with the best roomie one can ask for Candice from The New Modern Mom, Melissa from Melissa Dell, and MJ from Teaching in Heels. I have spoken to these girls on Twitter for over a year, and while I know and love Candice, this was my first time meeting Melissa and MJ. They are even more awesome in person than what I knew of them on the web. I had so much fun and hope to visit California soon to see my life-long friends.
After this, I say my lovely sister who is NY based and then headed out to the Glam Tend Media Party which was held at Dashing Divas. Glam is my advertising network and was so excited to meet the people behind it! Of course at the party, I thought I misplaced my pocketbook and had everyone worried and in search for it. After a long 20 minutes we found it, and the lovely people behind Glam had a celebratory drink with me in finding my bag. I truly loved meeting them and am excited to see what the future holds for them! They are all a bunch of smart and fun women.
Next stop was the Social Luxe party which was awesome! I arrived somewhat late because of the whole pocketbook fiasco but still had a great time. The party was set up incredibly and I had the chance to meet Jill Zarin from The Real Housewives of NY, who is now working for Bissell. She was so unbelievably nice and complementary. Apparently, Nick Lachey’s wife was there as well but I must have missed her:( They had great drinks and food. I then headed to Sweet Suite which I was looking forward to, as I talk a lot about toys on my site. The set up of Sweet Suite was incredible as they have everything lined up and it was so easy to talk to the companies. They had some of the greatest toy companies there, and I made some connections that you will probably see for my future holiday guide.
After these two parties, I went to dinner in NY with my roomie, Jen from Keekoin, and Melissa from Filling our Bucket. Truth be told, it was 11 pm and everything was closed. I was sort of surprised as this was NY but it is what it is. We did get to eat some good burgers. Then it was off to bed for about 5 hours of sleep.
Friday morning, I attended the Highlights party which was so fun. Growing up with Highlights, I was mesmerized with how fantastic all their new products are. Don’t worry- I will be having reviews..so stay tuned. I then went to the Verizon breakfast which was fun and taught me a lot about women sticking up for themselves. They had a great speaker! I then went to the Mom Select party which was also so fun and a great way to connect with companies. I knew it would be great though as all the campaigns I do for them, are fun!
I then walked around the conference hall for a few hours. I did not take any classes but I probably will in the future. My schedule was very busy and I wanted more to network with other blogs and companies. This is probably the only part of Blogher I regret, is not going to any conferences.
At night, I attended the Summer Infant party and Hasbro party. I work with these companies a lot and again was so nervous/excited to see the reps. However, they all were so incredibly nice! It was so fun putting a name to a face! I am so glad I have the pleasure to work with two fantastic Rhode Island based companies.
Then was the ultimate SparkleCorn. I don’t think I had so much fun in a long time. DJ Scribbles played the music and all the Rhode Island girls danced for hours. My feet were killing me but it was too fun to go upstairs and sleep! It was one heck of a party!
The next morning (Sat am), I attend the Disney breakfast which Hayley would have freaked out if she came. There was Disney characters all over and I was so excited to learn about all the new shows.
I then attended Getting Gorgeous put on by Vera and Audrey. I know Audrey well, and Vera, I bonded with in a hot, sweety elevator. It was a fantastic party with makeup application, hair styles, fashion, and much more!
Then I headed back early to Rhode Island as my husband and I had a date with the Michael Jackson Immortal tour! All in all, this was one of the most fun times I truly ever had! It was fun meeting up with the blogs who I know and love. There are some blogs that I read where the writers were not able to attend. With speaking to them on twitter, they plan to attend BlogHer13 so I am excited!! 352 days to Blogher13 in Chicago- this girl can’t wait!
Sounds like a total blast!
It looks like you had an amazing time!!
Sounds ah-mazing! I’m so jealous
I love me some real Housewives… glad to hear that she is nice in person!
Looks like you had such an amazing time. I love that you got to meet Jill Zarin. How awesome is that!
What a great post! Sounds like you had a great time! I look forward to reading your reviews later
Sounds like everyone had an awesome time!! I might be a tad bit jealous. Hopefully I can attend next year!
Did you get a chance to breathe while you were there? My oh my! I had a blast too and it was nice to see the girls from our group too!
THIS SOUNDS AWESOME!!! Loved the post and the photos!!!
I still haven’t made it to a blogger conference. I did attend one blogger event, not a conference, but an event for an ambassadorship that I was a part of, and that was a little scary to me in itself, considering I’m a huge introvert. It looks like you had an awesome time at BlogHer, so awesome that you’re already planning for next year’s, which is great!
You are smiling in every pic so I take it you had a blast?
AH! I can’t believe we survived! It was AMAZING! Blogher13 baby! WAHOO!
Aw! Lucky you!! I really wish I could attend one, but I am in Canada, which makes it trickier! Sounds like it was tons of fun and a great great great experience where you met and exchanged with some cool people!
What an exciting time! I hope one day I’ll get to attend BlogHer (and meet you!)
Melissa!!! What an awesome and sweet experience! I am so happy for you! My friends and I were just talking about doing Blogher one year. It looks like such an awesome opportunity and I am so glad you got to go! You are beautiful…and that blue dress is gorgeous on you!!
It’s so neat you go to meet with so many wonderful people!!
Thank you for sharing your story!
Have a great day!!
I had the BEST time!! So excited we got to spend so much time together! xo!
I went last year and it blew my mind at how exciting it was! I hated to not get to attend due to health reasons, but so excited for anyone that gets the experience to go! It really is something all bloggers should get a chance to do
Thanks for the great recap- sounds like a total blast!!
It looks like you had so much fun!!! I hope to go one day….or to have a reason to actually go! Well, I’m sure Chicago will be great! My husband loves that town. Glad you had so much fun. Thank you so much for sharing. This is a fun blog to read.
Wow, that is such an amazing experience! I would love to go one day! we just need Blogher to 1. not be so far away, 2. not be during the same week my husband leaves for his internship.
My fingers are crossed that one of these years in the near future it will be in Utah or near by. I might be able to talk the husband into being ok with me going if it was much closer.
I’ve been looking into going to Blogher next year…but I’m still not sure if a small blogger like me would actually have a place to fit in there among such blogging giants.
Oh my goodness! That looks like so much fun. I hope I get to attend a conference sometime in the near future. Thanks for sharing your trip!
Sounds like you had so much fun!! I dont know how you have a full time job, 2 kids and time to blog and do fun things like this!!
It looks like you had an amazing time! I am so jealous! You look wonderful of course!
Wow! You covered a lot of ground! It sounds like a great conference!
party after party after party! wow! you must be tired!
Looks like you had an amazing time and you look great!
BlogHer was SO MUCH FUN! I loved spending time with you. Awesome pictures too
Glad you had fun!
It looks like you had an amazing time! I really wanted to go this year, but couldn’t because of Lily’s birthday. I’m really hoping to make it next year!
Looks like you had an abosulute BLAST! Someday I might be able to make it to BlogHer. Until then I will just read everyone’s posts about the people and brands they met there.
What a BLAST!! Joining you next year for Chicago! You were a party animal!! =)
What a wonderful weekend it was!! Wish I had a chance to see you more – it was hard with us all being pulled in so many different directions!!
Great post!! You reminded me of an Energizer Bunny!! ; ) Sounds & looks like you had fun…plus got to do A LOT in a couple of days!!
That sounds like so much fun…I may have to look into this for next year…I would love for a fun girl’s weekend that involves looking at new and fun products for the kiddos and myself…and maybe the husband too!
Ok I juuuuust got done!
What an amazing time! I can’t wait until next year?!
I do have a question about the parties and stuff. How do they decide who to invite? Do you sign up? Or just hope you get invited? Also, I can’t wait for the classes. I’ve heard some people say that they were elementary, but I bet not for me! I am so glad that you had a great time and I can’t wait to meet you next year you gorgeous thing you!
What a busy but fun trip you had Melissa!! I don’t understand all the advertising and company related sides to blogging but I think you do an awesome job juggling it all (I’m flat out getting a post done hehehe)
You look great!!
You had a blast!! I’m in for next year and can’t wait to meet you. Now I need to know how this thing works, the parties, the sponsors and everything else. I think I’ll be in the land of the giants with my little baby blog – so I’m looking forward to learning and meeting all the friends I’ve met while blogging.